Posted on August 12th, 2012 @ 23:55 in Uncategorized


What did I do? Well… I watched a superexciting Placebo livestream from Sziget Festival (Hungary) on Youtube on Wednesday, I had Antje and boyfriend staying over for one night on Thursday and went to the pub with them and Mandy & Ronald, I had a truly amazing day at the beach on Friday, sunbathing and paddling in the sea, and then watched Placebo live again, this time from Taubertal-Festival (too much excitement!). I went to the beach once more on Saturday – ’twas windy, which made for fun wheeee!!! waves – and I rode my Spike to the middle of nowhere between Woodingdean and Falmer to watch meteors. I didn’t see many meteors and it was pretty dark and creepy out there. *lol* On Sunday Rita dragged me to the beach again for a quick swim, and I ended the week by listening to another amazing Placebo livestream, from Poland this time. I also finished my letter to Alessandra, tho haven’t sent it yet, and I applied for one more job (decided to skip the other one, SEO sucks too much). Didn’t do any work tho I really should’ve done.

What did I think? I’d say I’ve had a pretty fucking amazing week. As I was lying (not laying!!!) on the beach on Friday I thought, life is truly glorious! Who’d ever want a job if you can float in the sea on an inflatable mattress, letting the sun shine on your skin?! Also, the sea is really just so so so great. So peaceful and vast and just all round enjoyable! Of course, these positive thoughts will last exactly as long as the summery weather. *lol*
Oh also, Brian Molko is really very unbelievably sexy and perfect, and Placebo fans are AWESOME! The three gigs I enjoyed this week, all the while following (and contributing to) the #placebogig hashtag on Twitter, were such a great experience!!! It is therefore imperative that I start interacting with Placebo fans more, which would also be beneficial to my countless trips to foreign lands to see them live. And you can be sure Poland will be among them at some point in the future! What a great crowd!! 😡
Apart from that I didn’t have that many deep thoughts. I have rediscovered an old “daydream world”, so I’ve spent a lot of time in that. Hmmm, daydreaming…

What’s next? I’ve taken on some extra work – both copywriting (which is gonna be painful) and helping with a competition. I’d really rather not (see above about floating on mattresses) but I’m thinking if I make the rate of the flight in one month perhaps I can justify going to NYC later in the year. Perhaps.
Oh, and on Monday I’m going to the cinema with counselling course people. They’re all very cute so I’m looking forward to that. Look at me being all sociable!

Picture of the week: Not mine obviously, but OMFG PLACEBO LIVE!!!. *lol*

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