Emergency Paris Trip!!!
I went to my favourite city in the world, Paris! Because I won a competition to go see my favourite band in the world, Placebo!! More »
*tap tap* Is this thing on?
I went to my favourite city in the world, Paris! Because I won a competition to go see my favourite band in the world, Placebo!! More »
I know, I’ve already spammed Twitter and everything, but I spent a good three hours yesterday pulling everything together so I want some recognition!!
I tried to use consistent tags throughout so you can easily view just my sewing, or my drawings, etc. I didn’t add it chronologically as I wanted some variation, but each creation was also tagged with the year it was made – to the extent that I still remember. There’s still more stuff lying around in the vaults, I’ll upload that as I find it. (There is also some stuff that’s pretty shit, and this won’t be uploaded of course, teeheehee.)
Right now I don’t feel like reading, so I will write instead. I like the font in my WordPress Add New Post window. Wonder if it’s Mac-specific. Not knowing this is just another side effect of not updating this thing often enough. More »
Soooo today is Monday and I’ve been here for three days, more or less. We have done a lot of stuff, which is quite impressive cuz usually we don’t do much at all. Here is a list of what we have done: More »
And therefore I will do another entry on it. With stuff I did. Because I went to Paris. It will be short! More »
Is the best nation! I am meant to be writing three texts for my job… the deadline is May 4th I think, but I’d really have liked to do them today. However, it looks like that isn’t going to happen. Instead, I shall write an update. About Placebo for instance. More »
Does it have many entries? It does! I am amaze. None since 2009 tho. Let me try to change that. The Raymi entry is still hilarious by the way. One of my very rare brushes with Internet celebrity. More »
Alright, long time no post, so here is one exactly a month after the previous one (which has gone protected as I don’t want it on Google long term – send me a message should you want the password).
I’ve just booked the latest of my planned trips for the summer and now have something happening each month until August. I love love love this excitement each spring as I plan the things I will do over summer. I also love love love summer itself! I love heat, I love sun, I love long days and warm evenings… I do hope after two meh summers weather-wise we will be luckier this year. But if not, well, I have other stuff to keep me going. And here’s what. More »
Two concerts booked this year!!! Edinburgh (intimate gig, yummm) with the lovely J, and London with the usual suspects. And just so I don’t forget, here’s an updated list of the gigs I’ve seen so far, which I swear I am not posting to brag, but mainly to keep track (which is getting harder and harder…). I have to try and catch them in the Netherlands and Belgium (could have a few years ago, but didn’t. Stupid!). Also maybe Italy or Spain, and Austria or Switzerland! Ah, so much more to do, hope they never stop touring! [list after the jump, you can ignore it if you want. *lol*] More »
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