Today I had 0.3 of my “5 a day”
Some lettuce and tomato on my bacon burger. 😀 Actually no, I had some salad over lunch too and an apple at some point. Yay me. More »
*tap tap* Is this thing on?
Some lettuce and tomato on my bacon burger. 😀 Actually no, I had some salad over lunch too and an apple at some point. Yay me. More »
Okay so I’ve decided to start by blogging tonight and do the tidying later, cuz otherwise it’ll just end up as another “ack it’s late I’m tired, goodnight” post. This way it’s obviously going to turn into a long warbling procrastionation entry. 😀 More »
… where I don’t have much to write about. Well mainly I’m knackered. I’ve done most of the mum-preparation flat-cleaning tho which is very nice. Only the kitchen left to do, and vacuuming the bedroom. Well, and hauling out bags full of rubbish (including the previous tenant’s curtains, which I kept for over a year to put on my pretty yellow carpet when I had builders round. :)) ).
Tomorrow we’re going to play volleyball after work, which should be fun, I enjoyed it last time we did it. Yeah and I think that shall be all for today, sorry. Must have dinner now and then bed. Nice, comfortable bed. 🙂
This was the first week-end I’ve had at home for quite a while (after three consecutive week-ends in Southampton, Athens and Paris, respectively). It has been very nice, the main benefit being long lie ins on my expensive mattress. 🙂 More »
Placebo vs MJ
I used WP’s picture-upload thingo for this. Not particularly impressed. Anyway, I meant to say: Placebo are currently exactly 1,300 tracks ahead of MJ. (this is from my you know).
I will tell you more about MJ and Placebo whenever I get round to talking in detail about this coming summer. Cuz that will be totally awesome! :]
[edit next morning] Actually I think I’ve told you about most of the summer. Only addition is: Placebo @ Shepherds Bush in May!!!! :yay (does this count as today’s blog update? *hehe*)
Today I went to see a kinesiologist. Not something I’d usually do, but she’s a colleague of mine and I thought there was no harm trying. I have an itch you see. I may have mentioned this on here before, not sure. Anyway the itch has gradually been getting worse since January and developed into a pretty annoying ekzema. Something needs to be done. Since my NHS doctor has been unhelpful so far I thought I’d explore new avenues. Here’s how it went! More »
by stuff like the current media reports of the first encounter between Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and Michelle Obama. Like here (this is the most respected news magazine in Germany!): “Which one is the prettiest? Michelle Obama was wearing yada yada yada while Carla blablabla.”
Seriously!? So we’ve got a former model slash singer (slash trophy wife), and a Harvard Law School graduate with an unprecedented fundraising track record, among other things. And we’re comparing them on the basis of what they were wearing!? GRAH!!!!!! [I have nothing more to say]
My bank wants me to create an investor profile. More »
Oh hai! This could become “BEHA” (blog every hour April). Of course it won’t. Just another fun (to me) chat transcript from Omegle: More »
BEDA is short for “Blog Every Day April” as inspired by Maureen Johnson (she’s a writer and fun and I follow her on Twitter). I know I know, what was I thinking, I’ll never manage to keep this up. Well, I’ll try anyway, though I expect some of my entries will be very short (longer than a “tweet” tho hopefully), and I may also write some ahead of time with scheduled publishing (like this one, heh). But since I have WordPress on my iPhone I should even manage to blog when I’m on holiday with my mum over Easter. More »
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