Posted on June 7th, 2009 @ 19:44 in Uncategorized

Told you there’d be a bike entry, hehe. More »


OMFG Placebo!!!

Posted on June 7th, 2009 @ 12:36 in Uncategorized

Oooooooh yes! Yes! YES! *cough* Excuse me. DID YOU KNOW THEIR ALBUM IS COMING OUT TOMORROW??? That’s less than 24hrs! I can barely contain myself! (maybe non-Placebo entry later, but I’m off cycling now. so later entry will most likely be: OMFG bike!!!) More »


I HAVE A BIKE!!! and other squealy things

Posted on May 30th, 2009 @ 19:01 in Uncategorized

Well hello thar, quickly checking in to give you an update on my life. I have been very busy you see. Well, I’ve got quite a few things planned this weekend, and have also achieved a number of unplanned things. Or, planned, but more generally planned. Er whatever. More »


Quick grammar rant

Posted on May 27th, 2009 @ 21:47 in Uncategorized

I need sth to do before my sleeping aids, er, I mean anti-histamines, start working.

Personal pronouns are not that hard to use!!!

“The mayor organised a great party for my mother and I” – WRONG!
Why? The pronoun is an object here. Remove your mother from the equation. “The mayor organised a great party for I”? No, you would not say that. So it is also “The mayor organised a great party for my mother and me.”

“The mayor organised a great party for my mother and myself” – WRONG!
This one I am actually sometimes tempted to fall for myself (!). “Myself” is generally a reflexive pronoun: I wash myself. Sometimes (like my example just above) you use it for emphasis – however only when you have used “I” previously in the sentence.

I like this guy‘s short explanatory text (pretty much same as mine, but with more detail) and his general list of common errors in English looks like a great resource, but my pills are starting to work, and besides I usually get it right in English anyway.


World politics by wall sticker

Posted on May 24th, 2009 @ 02:38 in Uncategorized

I believe I’ve mentioned before that I bought Habitat world/continents wall stickers and they were kinda crap and kept peeling off? More »


Names vs faces. And names, lots!

Posted on May 23rd, 2009 @ 15:13 in Uncategorized

[written while procrastinating when I really should be rewriting my CV. oh, I shouldn’t have said that cuz now everyone knows I’m applying for a job and will want to know how it went. anyway, it’s an internal thing again and I’m only applying cuz the hiring manager took the time to give me some CV coaching (also he’s gay and a bastard, what more could I want? kidding! sort of). ok onwards…] More »


Funfun questionnaire!!!

Posted on May 19th, 2009 @ 18:36 in Uncategorized

Oh I ain’t done a questionnaire in ages, most of them are boring and “seen it all before”, but I’ve found one now on Facebook, and I am procrastinating, so I will do it. And so should you!!!! More »


Time for the Paris report – as usual!

Posted on May 18th, 2009 @ 23:59 in Uncategorized

For those not interested in the minutiae: it was a nice trip as always, tho the weather was often shit/rainy (but also two nice mornings for cycling). Sunday morning when my mum was gonna cycle with me, it rained. 🙁 And one hour before I was due to leave on Sunday it suddenly got really nice and sunny. Made it so much harder to leave, but it meant I got another nice hour of cycling done. 🙂 More »



Posted on May 13th, 2009 @ 18:34 in Uncategorized

Heh, this reminded me of how obsessed we used to be with Apple Mentos. Then totally didn’t care anymore. Tho I wouldn’t be adverse to trying fuji apple. Sounds fun.


OMG Placeeebo!!!!

Posted on May 12th, 2009 @ 15:19 in Uncategorized

I am sooooo excited!! Am currently sitting outside the venue with the other freaks, squiZZless for now, he’ll get here in about an hour.

It’s sunny, some of the freaks are playing Placebo, I have grapes, and in a few hours I’M GOING TO SEE BRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is all. Just wanted to share 🙂

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