
Lady Gaga, pics, and other stuff

Posted on August 2nd, 2010 @ 21:20 in Uncategorized

I am really starting to like her, but I have yet to embrace my liking of her. She’s a bit too… oh I don’t know! Artificial? Over the top? And yet it is… quite MJ-like. And she’s cute to her fans. But there’s something sneaky the way the music grows on you. It’s like… I don’t like it that much, but apparently I can’t stop listening to it. I still don’t like her videos at all tho. Anyway, enough about her.

Ah yes, pics. Lots of Eynsham Hall, some Hinton Waldrist, and exactly one picture of Oxford are to be found on ye olde Fliquère.

I’m out of things to say already, but I think that’s only fair since I uploaded all those pics for you! Not like they took themselves! I’m off to eat a salmon bagel (or two) now. Tarah!


BEDA round II – an attempt

Posted on August 1st, 2010 @ 22:37 in Uncategorized

Hello. Some of you may remember Maureen Johnson‘s BEDA last year, Blog Every Day April. I took part and, well, actually blogged every day for a month. She was gonna do it in August this year but now she isn’t due to other commitments, but I thought I’d give it a try anyway.

So here it is, my first entry of BEDA MMX!!!
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Paris Paris, forever Paris

Posted on July 28th, 2010 @ 19:14 in Uncategorized

Oh hai it’s time for another Paris update isn’t it. More »


The ultimate Cornwall experience

Posted on July 16th, 2010 @ 19:06 in Uncategorized

I share here with you, for your perusal, and to make you jealous, the awesome Cornwall holiday I have just planned for my mum and me in late August. Should you require my holiday-planning skills, please get in touch via the link above. *lol* More »


GTD (getting things done)

Posted on July 13th, 2010 @ 14:54 in Uncategorized

Let’s see if I can still write blog entries. It’s a bit of a shame this thing is degenerating into a … well, dead place, really. I used to write loads of entries! I used to have readers! Things used to be so very different. More »


Paris – the tourist trail

Posted on June 30th, 2010 @ 19:54 in Uncategorized

Right, I still need to write a Paris entry or my collection will be incomplete. So here goes… More »


Twenty-five Placebo concerts

Posted on May 31st, 2010 @ 22:18 in Uncategorized

So I’ve made a list of all the Placebo concerts/performances I’ve been to. I’ll get to 25 this year!!!! 😀 My best year was 2006 with seven concerts, and my worst ’05 and ’08 with none at all. I’ve seen them in five different countries so far (soon six), and I have not yet seen them on a Thursday. The day of the week I’ve seen them most often is Tuesday with seven times. After the Thessaloniki concert this coming September I’ll have seen them in every month of the year.

The whole list is after the jump. More »


I went to Paris and I liked it

Posted on May 17th, 2010 @ 21:34 in Uncategorized

Hello, yes it’s time for another “this is what I did on my Paris trip” entry. Please ignore if it is boring to you. Some pics on Flickr. More »



Posted on May 1st, 2010 @ 18:12 in Uncategorized

I have finally made a to do list! I’ve broken everything down into manageable chunks in the hope that it will encourage me to tackle each one of them. This is for the coming months, and does not have to be completed in a particular order, tho some are more urgent than others. I may also add to it as I think of more stuff.
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Protected: So… these past six months, right?

Posted on April 5th, 2010 @ 22:13 in Uncategorized

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