GTD (getting things done)

Posted on July 13th, 2010 @ 14:54 in Uncategorized

Let’s see if I can still write blog entries. It’s a bit of a shame this thing is degenerating into a … well, dead place, really. I used to write loads of entries! I used to have readers! Things used to be so very different.

Other people used to have blogs too. And we read each others’. Is is something you just grow out of? It’s kinda sad, I really like the idea of having this repository of memories. Going past my angsty teens, I was never a great diarist, and the blog gave me a reason to write. I think it’s great that I can go back to reading what was going on in my life three years ago, or five. Indeed, this thing is now over eight years old. That’s a quarter of my life. Wow.

So, what is going on in my life? Not much, and maybe that’s part of the problem. I need more drama dammit! *lol* That’s not to say I’m not doing stuff tho. Let’s see… this past weekend I took my bike to Bath, which was absolutely lovely. There are pics on Flickr. A few weeks ago Thomas was visiting, and of course I went to Paris, see below. I’m also going to Paris again 23-25th July, and on 7th August is Pride – Amex will have a float, and we will be on it (I hope)! The weekend after that I am going to Luxembourg/France to see my beloved Placebo (in fact that’s where I’ll be exactly a month from now), then I’m going to Cornwall with my mum, then to Thessaloniki to (again) see Placebo, and Aspasia.

And that will be the end of summer. As you can see it’s pretty busy, and I am very happy about that because that’s how I wanted it. The downside of it is of course that I am spending shitloads of money, when I’m actually earning less due to 28hr-weeks. But I tell myself I’ll save in winter when nothing is going on. Or get a better job. Or… some other masterplan. I don’t have the energy now to think about the future.

This is a bit of a problem as that was sort of the plan at the beginning of the year when I got back from the clinic. You know – fix my life. It seems I have yet again found a form of running away, which may eventually come to bite me in the arse. I still haven’t found a therapist (and would be kinda difficult with me being away so much), and I just can’t seem to face the whole “career” stuff. I might still be on time for some late admissions at unis, if I decided to go that way, but I find that utterly impossible to even think about. Which of course means I will lose a whole year, and need something to do in the meantime. Don’t think I can stand another year at my current job.

Aaanyway. Emotionally I am doing ok, tho often weepy for no real reason. Tho usually silly “irrelevant” stuff like listening to Alicia Keys (why does listening to her always make me cry??) or – weirdest thing just now – looking at this festival listing. :-/ I still get upset about MJ often enough tho. I could probably write half a dozen entries about that subject alone, but what’s the point.

And I believe on that happy note I shall end this. My laundry is done so I can take the recycling out and my duvet to the dry cleaners. Fascinating uh? Tarah!

1 Comment

Mel said on Jul 13, 2010 at 3:02 pm

Woo! A blog!Shall write something more intelligent when I’m not about to faint at work. X


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