
Cheaty entry

Posted on March 28th, 2010 @ 22:15 in Uncategorized

It is too sad to see a blank archive for March 2010. I didn’t write a single blog entry for a whole month! So here’s a cheaty entry… written at the end of July, with some random links to pics of stuff done in March. More »


C is for…

Posted on February 24th, 2010 @ 22:51 in Uncategorized

… Colourful Card

B is for Book


Good thing I called this project “ABC” instead of “Alphabet” – I might just get away with stopping now that I’ve reached C. 😐

Originally C was gonna be for Comic. But I couldn’t think of anything. So instead I watched Buffy. Which starts with a B so that was useless.

Tomorrow will be D. D was gonna stand for Dreams. But it might just end up standing for Depression.


B is for…

Posted on February 23rd, 2010 @ 22:00 in Uncategorized

Right, second day and I’m still going strong! Yay! And again I have two things on offer, tho one is old too.
NB This is part of my Part of my ABC Project, more info here. More »


A is for…

Posted on February 22nd, 2010 @ 23:33 in Uncategorized

NB This is part of my Part of my ABC Project, more info here.

… Ant


It is rather late so here’s a quick’n’dirty drawing of an ant. *lol*

More »


I have a project! (no, this is not it)

Posted on February 22nd, 2010 @ 22:49 in Uncategorized

Right, I’m gonna try to bring this blog back to life, and generally Do More Stuff. I have been far too passive and lazy and doing-nothing these past few weeks and even months.

So I’m going to try and make / draw / post / photograph / write something for each letter of the alphabet – starting with A obviously. I’ve kinda got myself this idea from *rae* over on Flickr, tho of course it has been done many times before.

As I know how impulsive / undecisive / up and down I am, I won’t set myself too many rules except I really want to do at least one entry a day. But that’s pretty much it. It can be more than one entry a day, it can be any or all of the above (photograph, draw, write…), and I can also post things I’ve made previously as long as I add something new as well.

That’s all I think. Wish me luck. *lol*


I love my bed – fascinating sleep graphs!

Posted on February 5th, 2010 @ 17:20 in Uncategorized

Check out the difference of sleeping in my own bed, on my amazing Tempur memory foam mattress, vs normal box spring bed… More »


Officially on Hiatus – sort of

Posted on January 5th, 2010 @ 13:00 in Uncategorized

I know I’ve barely updated in fucking ages anyway, but it was still sort of there, officially. I’m taking a break now since whatever I may have to say I don’t wanna say it here.

I may temporarily set up camp elsewhere (which will be by invitation only). I may not, and just come back to blogging here when I’m ready. Either way, if you wanna be kept up to date please drop me a mail at clarissawam[at]gmail[dot]com (or one of my regular email addresses if you know them. just not Hotmail. forget Hotmail). If you have a cryptic email address please let me know who you are.

Happy New Decade Everyone!

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Protected: End of Year Survey 2009

Posted on January 5th, 2010 @ 12:54 in Uncategorized

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Norway report XIII

Posted on January 4th, 2010 @ 21:55 in Uncategorized

As this blog is as much for my own records as anything else, here is my entry about my Norway trip 31Dec09-04Jan10. More »


Define me, Twitter!

Posted on December 11th, 2009 @ 19:13 in Uncategorized

How do you define yourself? Boil yourself down to a short, 160 character blurb? And what does that say about you? Or me, really, cuz this is about me. More »

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