
Trying again… the Placebo entry

Posted on August 14th, 2010 @ 00:29 in Uncategorized

Right, so I found out that the dictation app works, so I can sort of recreate my entry without too much typing. It was a great entry, I was talking about my trip and the foire and lots of other things. More »


Oh you are kidding me

Posted on August 13th, 2010 @ 23:51 in Uncategorized

I spent all day writing a super-long entry, updating whenever I had the chance… and then the stupid WordPress app lost it!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe it!! *sob* It was interesting too! (obviously I’d say that now)

So now I’m pissed off and will only say that Placebo were amazing, the foire aux vins in general was cute, and, well, that’s it. Hmph.



Posted on August 12th, 2010 @ 21:31 in Uncategorized

Predictably short. too tired & headachy to make it to my mum’s laptop, so this is an iPhone update and iPhone updates are hard-going.

I am in my old bed in Luxembourg. my childhood bed, tho strictly speaking it’s more like my late teen bed. this WordPress app doesn’t deem it necessary to capitalise words after a full stop, and I am too lazy to manually correct it each time. gives the entry character.

I had a nice dinner at a Thai restaurant with my mum and my friend Caro. can’t complain there. could complain about a lot of other things tho!

I’ve found some fun clothes I didn’t know I had. my suitcase may not be big enough for all the stuff I wanna take back to Brighton. I’d love to take my Harry Potter books too, but they’re so so heavy.

anyway. colmar tomorrow. and placebo. wow, can’t believe it’s only a day to go now, seems unreal. am not currently excited, but that may be due to my extreme exhaustion. tomorrow I will be fit (& non-headachy! please??) and will have a smashing time! I’m sure of it. goodnight!


Kindly requesting an exception

Posted on August 11th, 2010 @ 22:26 in Uncategorized

Well, I’m posting, so it isn’t really an exception, I’m just cheating again.

I’m feeling really shit and have been all day and I need to go and sleep now and hopefully tomorrow I’ll be more… able. I think I’m allergic to life. My job especially.


Just popping in

Posted on August 10th, 2010 @ 22:51 in Uncategorized

I need to get back to my book. I still have that half-written text somewhere, but I’ve already started hating it, so it’s looking less likely you’ll ever get to see it. I’m on the third Jasper Fforde book now, the best of all in my opinion, The Well of Lost Plots. I absolutely cannot recommend this book enough, tho it really is best to start with the first in the Thursday Next series, The Eyre Affair. Then the second, then Well of Lost Plots, then there’s two more which I expect I will read next, and then unfortunately it ends, but there’s other Ffordes in a similar spirit, tho sadly no Thursday Next.

I got my Amazon book order today, which also contains a Fforde, but I won’t tackle that until I’m re-done with Thursday. Books are great. Reading is great. I haven’t done nearly enough reading recently, so am very pleased I seem to be getting into it again. Tho of course this interferes with my BEDA – reading and writing, can’t give both my full attention. I’m still pretty good at sleeping tho. Reading and sleeping are easily combined. Read a book, fall asleep. Wake up, keep reading.

I got woken up by a policeman earlier. He wanted to know if I knew someone from the area of Turkish or North-African origin. Since I was still half in lala-land I didn’t ask (or care) what it was about, tho thinking about it, it all seems a bit odd. What if I had known someone who fit that description? And how far do you stretch it? I know someone of half-Persian origin who could certainly be mistaken for Turkish or North-African depending on the circumstances, should I have mentioned that? Or only if I suspected him of a crime? But maybe they weren’t interested in crime at all? Maybe they were just curious? But he seemed to just be going through the motions anyway, not genuinely interested.

I’m talking nonsense, I should go. Only one more update before I’m off to Luxembourg, not sure how updating will go from there since I’ll have to steal my mum’s computer for that. Well, and I’ll be in France and Internet-less on Friday… tho I guess I can incur some roaming charges for the sake of BEDA continuity. Should be worth it for excited Brian-gushing. Aah Brian my love, it has been far too long…

PS. Thanks to the latest iPhone sync, my Top 3 artists of the last 7 days are now Lady Gaga (73), Eminem (17) and Pink (12). I think that’s not correct tho cuz Eminem and Pink were on our trip to Oxfordshire, which was more than a week ago, but counts as more recent because synced more recently.


I’m cheating again

Posted on August 9th, 2010 @ 23:09 in Uncategorized

I started writing something longer, but I started far too late and I need to sleep now, so it will be for tomorrow. Hopefully, cuz I may just hate it and give up on it, like I do with so many things. I managed to speak to my mum tho without speaking to my nan (I guess that’s cheating too, in a way). And I’ve finally upgraded my iPhone to 4.0.1. It crapped out again and I had to restore & re-sync, which took ages. That’s the second time it does this on upgrade. Not pleased. But bed now, I am tired.


Been over a week!

Posted on August 8th, 2010 @ 16:23 in Uncategorized

Righty-ho, today I will try to write a slightly longer entry. I will do this with the help of the DarkRoom app, stream of consciousness rambling, and Lady Gaga. More »


Why does everything make me cry?

Posted on August 7th, 2010 @ 23:10 in Uncategorized

The new Eminem video.
French synchronised swimming team performing to MJ.
Watching people enjoy themselves at Pride.
Reading my book, even though it wasn’t a sad part at all.
Just going bloody shopping is enough!

I’m pretty sick and tired of all the crying. I guess I’ve reached a point again where something needs to happen, though I’m not sure what. My head needs fixing, at any rate.


Hey ho, here we are again

Posted on August 6th, 2010 @ 21:41 in Uncategorized

I have nothing to write about, so I won’t.


Twitter is over bloody capacity!

Posted on August 5th, 2010 @ 23:55 in Uncategorized

How am I supposed to share that I have just ordered five books on Amazon? Ah, of course, I could write about it here. But then no one would read it. More »

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