I'm going to Copenhagen to visit Charlotte and Dee!
I'm going to Mainz to visit Katja and Tobias!
I'm going to Luxembourg to visit my Prince and my Mum!
I'm going to Paris to be with Prue and L.J.!
I'm going to London to see Mel and squiZZ (and Placebo)!
[This one stolen from Michelle & translated/adapted. this was mostly done last night]
Continue reading "Bigass questionnaire!!"
[this entry was started last night then interrupted by a long phonecall. updates/corrections in square brackets...]
I've discovered a new way of updating... putting an entry online for a short while then taking it down again because I am bored with it or find it silly and/or irrelevant. I've done that 3 times in the past few days. *lol*
I currently have an "extreme tiredness spell" but I have to overcome that cuz 19:15 is definitely too early to go to bed cuz it means I'll wake up at 1am and be unable to get back to sleep for hours and hours. That's counterproductive.
TomTom is not talking to me for a change, I think I annoy him with my... well just in general. So I'll leave him alone for now. [was told later he still loves me] Katja's coming back tomorrow, wheee, I'm excited about that. I've missed her.
[she's back!!!!
So I'm reading this thread on AskMe. It's about a guy who said sth to his girlfriend about "hey maybe we won't be together forever" and she (obviously) took it wrong.
Continue reading "Romantic or rational?"
has a horrible name but makes nice music. Thanks Jimmy!
I think I managed to fix Bubbles-the-desktop by following Tobias' advice. All hail Tobias my mentor! Of course I shall try not to rejoice too quickly... yet. I might jinx it. Him. Bubbles. Not Tobias.
I spent a day and a half in bed. I got up and went out this afternoon, but it was uneventul. I bought three bars of chocolate. I took my cam but didn't take any pics. Some people wear such weird stuff - it's like the 80es are back with a vengeance!! And people generally wear stuff that's not warm enough by far! *shudder*
Oh and I've ordered this!!!
I'm going back to London tonight and being returned to my rightful(ish) owner tomorrow. Wam will miss me she says. Sorry I didn't update as much as originally planned. Watching DVDs & just lying in bed is more fun. Byebye.
I'm replacing Penguin (well not officially, but in practice anyway). I'm a present from the being of perfection and marvellousness, aka Thomas. I'm from Ikea. I'm green!!! I'm not sure what I am (dragon? duck with dragon wings? unidentified mythical creature?). I also don't have a name yet so suggestions welcome. But I'm not gonna be updating this diary so I'll pass you over to Clarissa now...
First off, check out squiZZupdate because it was written by me, and leave a comment to tickle my ego because he is marvellous.
Secondly, I love Placebo. Last night was very marvellous as always. Like, really very amazingly marvellous. I love Brian I love Brian I love Brian I love Brian. *sigh* He's so cute and small and beautiful and fabulous!!!
We got autographs too but I didn't lovingly stare at him enough. But I did stare lovingly (with big stupid grin on my face) throughout most of the live show. In less than a month I can lovingly stare again, twice within a few days.
And after that I will sue them for not putting a warning on their concert tickets that their shows may be addictive.
Right. And because I love London so so so much and have only been there twice this week I'm going again tomorrow to spend the weekend with The Twat and the Evilbitch. (that would be such a cool film title!!!)
PS I also love Michael Jackson!
squiZZle's Thomas is delicous!!!!
[just for Michelle]
I am still in London. squiZZ is downstairs making pitta bread with cheese. I am listening to Imagine by John Lennon. BBC news is telling me about swimmners but it's on silent. Oh and avalanches.
Thomas is not talking to me because apparently he has better stuff to do, but I am pathetic for letting that affect me. So I won't.
squiZZ has returned. He's brought me half a pitta bread with cheese (that's what I asked for). He's very very very marvellous.
And that's the end of this entry!!! Sorry Michelle, he was back too fast.
I've just remembered this was my Paris song.
Continue reading "One Day In Your Life"
Yeah so did I tell you about my weekend? I went to London you know. Well. I went to spend the weekend with squiZZ. He happens to live in London. He's very very very marvellous. Well I find him so anyway. I'm in love still/again apparently. Fine with me.
I don't like how I'm so dependent on them.
Continue reading "Computers computers"
Like my new Zen. Which I got today. It's exactly the same as the previous one, but it's shiny and new. Oh and it works of course. How fun.
Continue reading "I like shiny things"
No not Potato Potato but Bonsai Potato!!!
Continue reading "Potato potato!!"
Some people would say yes.
Continue reading "Should I update?"
Well that was very fun!
Continue reading "I'm in luuurve!!"
I'm off to bed soon.
Then off to Heathrow in the middle of the night.
And off to Copenhagen tomorrow morning.