Like my new Zen. Which I got today. It's exactly the same as the previous one, but it's shiny and new. Oh and it works of course. How fun.
I also have great taste in music. I amaze myself. I know that sounds like a stupid thing to say cuz everyone "likes" their own taste in music for obvious reasons. But many people I know (and people in general) have such restricted musical preferences... and I feel sorry for them because they are missing out on so fucking much. You should give everything a chance. There is so much to discover! It's so exciting! Tho it's also depressing cuz there is so much you'll never discover cuz you just don't have the time and resources.
And then you get people who say lame stuff like "I'm embarrassed to admit it but I like Britney's latest song." Don't be embarrassed you fool! If you like it, why can't you stand up for it? Actually Jeff, our fun PR/journalism tutor who worked in the music industry for years, said something about how "musos" never talk about "bad taste in music" or... whatever, I can't remember the way he put it but the gist of it is people in the music industry wouldn't go "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LIKE THAT!" - there isn't good or bad taste in music, just differing tastes.
[lol I am sooo expecting this to turn into a "but you said such-and-such sucked" argument in the comments.]
PS I have great taste in men too! I love my boys very very very much.
Hehe, at least I have no trouble admitting that I love *Nsync. Even though I think it IS a little bit embarrassing...
Ja like you don't like wolves and you've no idea what you're missing out on. I do feel sorry for you. :(
lolol how scary, I was just thinking after having read half the entry that "hmm she must have had a lecture with that CAN-man again", and then in the next sentence you started talking about him .
You remind me so much of my web/graphic-design days these days.
I so agree with you. I listen to stuff from across the board and there is so much good stuff waiting to be discovered. And yeah, there is no such thing as bad music. there's music you may not like but no bad music. Unless maybe we're talking about Grup Tekkan. You heard of them in Britain? lol
Posted by: Anne on Fri March 24, 2006 at 8:34Mon, I don't think the wolves comparison is pertinent at all. I know what wolves are like, I've seen them, so I can make a judgment on whether I wanna go spend an afternoon with them or not (besides, if I got the chance without having to travel all the way to Sweden I probably would but that's beside the point).
What am I doing that is so graphic-designy? Ooh btw you can help me decide what to do my project on!
If you're online one of these days.
@ Grup Tekkan, yeah I read about them on Spiegel Online & Titanic. I was actually gonna add a sentence along the lines of "this of course does not apply if someone simply cannot sing" but I thought that was understood.
Michelle, I can't believe you listen to *NSync!!!! They are horrible!!!! Hehe, I have some of their songs too. No more embarrassing that Spice Girls.
Uh... Spice Girls ARE really embarrassing. Tekkan rocks BTW.
lol @ having to disagree about ANYthing. I'm not really up for another discussion, so never mind my wolf comment if that's what it must turn into.
"What am I doing that is so graphic-designy?" Um, didn't mean it like that, I dunno if you're doing anything designy at all, but the whole... attitude or whatever. The whole thing that made me think you'd had another lecture with the can-man. If you don't know what "that" is, I don't think I can explain. Sorry.
I'm online loads. . . early in the morning. I've no been up after 8 in ages!!
Hmmm @ can-man. Ok.
@ argument. Cuz obviously now it's my fault.
Michelle, I DO like the Spice Girls.
No, you don't!!
Do you?
Posted by: Michelle on Fri March 24, 2006 at 14:10I do yes. Some of their songs anyway.
Especially Mel B. I even bought her solo album
Blugh @ Zen
You know, the Spice Girls last album Forever was actually pretty darn good. It's almost as good as Invincible... comparison made only because Rodney Jerkins produced both. :)
I agree, there's so much music to be listened to the scary part is not actually getting to discover it :(
Posted by: J on Fri March 24, 2006 at 14:59I like Mel C. and esp. her duet with Bryan Adams at least.
@ J. At least the Zen's battery life doesn't suck!!!
What was that duet again?
The duet was Baby When You're Gone...
*runs off to download* I like this song.
Never Be The Same Again With Left Eye was good too.
Posted by: J on Fri March 24, 2006 at 21:20PS EVERYONE and their mama knows I love *NSYNC! They were fab, JC was my fave...
Posted by: J on Fri March 24, 2006 at 21:21Oooh yeah I remember now!
And yeah Never Be The Same Again was great too.
I also liked.. some other one by Mel C.
But anyway Mel B is way cooler, and didn't she turn into a lesbian later?
Don't rolleyes me. My comment was not very serious and not at all meant to start another "must defend my views" thing - so I was just surprised you took it so seriously (although I probably shouldn't be) and tried to end it.
But now of course it DID turn into another silly discussion after all. I dunno what I'm always doing wrong here.
I loved this post ... cause its true... I own cds that people always bag me for, but I don't care.
I own both spice girls cds and I like them. I also own Mel C's last cd and I love that. I also own 2 BSB cds, 2 Nsync CDS and a couple other girl/boy groups. AND I LOVE BRITNEY!!!!!!!
... Maybe I'm going a little TOO far?
P.S I finally got my blog up for good and proper this time!!! and I figured it out all on my big ownsome!!!!!!
Ok @ Mon. It sounded condescending to me. Or "ugh don't patronize us, we can patronize you too". My apologies.
Posted by: Clarissa on Sat March 25, 2006 at 10:07"But many people I know (and people in general) have such restricted musical preferences... and I feel sorry for them because they are missing out on so fucking much."
*cough* I could take this a lil personally...
Ja, so? You definitely are one of them