Well that was very fun!
I've just finished watching the webcast of a Wir Sind Helden concert live from Amsterdam. They were very amazingly great! Now I'm in love with Judith Holofernes again. They will be playing in Mainz on the 15th of July so I will beg and plead with Katja & Tobias to go and see them.
I also chatted with random strangers in the webcast chat, something I haven't done in years. This one guy told me about how he used to host a web-based show and interview bands, and I asked him to give examples, and turns out he interviewed Placebo at Rock am See or wherever in 2004. Brian
What else is new... ah yes, my site is moving to a new host but you shouldn't notice anything much... except that it will get faster at some point (hopefully). Hm and some of the comments might disappear. But I can always re-add them manually later. I'll miss Seb (snigger) but I won't miss the server slowness.
Oh, and the slore and I have booked our flights to Paris... 20th-22nd of May. Wooo! We will meet a Prue!!!
How exciting!!
Oh and I went jogging yesterday, and had the first cold shower of the year (bathroom shower, not rainshower), and today I went for a walk without a coat and it was nice and warm. But now it's raining.
Oh and we had a practise exam in Marketing today and I finished over an hour early (we had 3hrs) and everyone went "gasp." Like the good old school days. I didn't do that well (I finished that early cuz I had nothing else to add lol) but I think it should be a pass at least. I'll find out next week. We also had a practise exam in Web Design and I finished in 5mins (we had 20mins) and I got full marks on that one but everyone expected that anyway.
It was fun, that one.
Right. Bed. Goodnight!
Haha, congrats on your school success. Nice!
I left the house in a T-shirt today - but only for a shoooort walk.
I'm the complete opposite! I would be the last one in the classroom, going over all the questions until time was up. Just going over them making sure I didn't make a mistake or making sure I didn't forget anything.
I'm not sure which method is right. Sometimes you might remember something that you had forgotter. Other times you could question yourself and change an answer that was originally correct!
I hope you get your pass .
lurrvely cleverr Citz
Thanks everyone, but it really doesn't mean that I am clever at all, just that I was done writing quickly lol.
And Jimmy, of course when it's an actual exam I do reread stuff more carefully. Tho I tend to still finish early. I just get bored with it.
Haha I always leave early when I haven't read enough and have nothing to say.
You ARE clever!
Even if this test doesn't mean much.
Get off!!! She's mine!
Can we share her?
Now now children.
There's enough of me to go around.