Yeah so did I tell you about my weekend? I went to London you know. Well. I went to spend the weekend with squiZZ. He happens to live in London. He's very very very marvellous. Well I find him so anyway. I'm in love still/again apparently. Fine with me.
Ok so London. I went there Friday night. We didn't do much, went to Tesco and that's it. Saturday I met up with sexy Mel to go see Tropicália at the Barbican while squiZZ was having his hair done. London hated me as usual so all eastbound lines from Baker Street were suspended for planned engineering works (I love how they call them "planned". How cool would it be to close down half the Tube for "improvised engineering works"?), but I made it and found a Mel anyway.
And talked her into walking to the Barbican from Old Street station and we got kinda lost in some timewarp 70es version of London in the middle of the city. It was very fun!
We were gonna take a cute pic of Mel going "Heeeelp!" but um, didn't. Anyway, in the end we found helpful guy-in-wheelchair who walked, I mean wheeled, us halfway (how un-PC to say so lol) so we got there eventually.
Tropicália was very fun and colourful (this was the main reason I wanted to go):
It was also interactive, so you were invited to "use" some of the exhibits:
Or alter some of the others:
When we were done we made our way back to Oxford Street to enjoy the masses. Woooooooooo I love crowded London!!!! Mel spent a fortune at HMV, then we went to some little café with rude service and expensive drinks, then to H&M, then squiZZ was done with his hair & joined us so we could fiiinally go to Pizza Hut and get fooood!
After yummy pizze (and lots of bitching about people's footwear and other things) we parted ways. The lovely Mel went East, we went West (well, or like West-North-West or sth lol). Yeah and the rest of the weekend was basically just spent in squi's room watching DVDs, being online, eating unhealthy food and being immature. I love squiZZ. *clings*
And that was that. I came back to Brighton on Monday morning. Got the train station wrong (the train I wanted was from London Bridge but I went to Victoria) so I was late for class. Brighton is cold. I hate my life. The end.
PS I love Michael Jackson!!!
Aber ich habe doch gar kein Geld! Ich bin arm wie eine Kirchenmaus!
Dann mußt du Arbeit finden und Geld verdienen!
Mon speaks perfect German.
I stole that sentence from a game so don't be too impressed.
(Do be impressed by the fact that I'm playing GERMAN games these days though )
how cute!