It's terrible!!!
I am cursing myself now for not insisting to go there with my mum last year.
On a positive note tho, I have just ordered THIS:
(review here)
[edit] Hm so because I felt bad about spending so much money just after crying about Katrina I've just donated roughly the same amount to the American Red Cross's Katrina fund. Feel free to follow my example. [/edit]
The looting, the shooting, the violence... scenarios as if taken straight from a Stephen King apocalypse novel (The Last Stand comes to mind).
Is it a perception error? (i.e. was there looting in Asia after the tsunami too but the media didn't report it so we never knew?)
Is it a result of our Western focus on materialism/individualism?
Is it an American thing? (I cannot help but think so - cue Littleton etc)
I'm trying to understand. But I don't get it. I really cannot grasp how rescue efforts would need to be halted because the rescue forces are being shot at!? What idiots!
Sheesh. Enough cynicism. I have to admit I am really shaken by this. Partly no doubt because I love New Orleans & am selfishly devastated that I didn't get to see it, and partly because I am generally being rather moody / depressed / oversensitive at the moment. No matter. It's horrible. Bed now.
2. Hilarious letter of complaint
[edit] after daniel suspected the letter was a fake - urban legend status: true (check the link for the official response from the Airline) [/edit]
Yep yep it's all gone, and it's been dyed again too. Check it out...
Continue reading "New hair - before and after"
It won't do.
It just won't do.
Just to make her happy and cuz my longer update won't be finished by the time she leaves.
... here's your entry people. *pats*
[edit] Wow, you have to watch this!! Amazing 1st hand Katrina report. Yes it's long, but it's worth it! [/edit]
Continue reading "There there..."
Ja so I've been talked into doing an entry again, tho soon I must bed for I have to get up very early tomorrow.
So I will tell you about our fun day.
... stupid idea.
I am so dead. And, like, totally off to bed.
... by request.
Everyone who doesn't like green sucks big time.
Continue reading "GREEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!"
I am off to Norway to see my Angel Person - known to most other people as Monica or JarJar.
She is very very very wonderful and I am predictably excited.
Not seen her since February!!!!
She'll probably make me update at some point... over the weekend. Then on Monday we're off to Trysil where there is no Internet muahaha so then I won't update for a while.
Just thought I'd let you know. Rejoice with me!
... and could not ask for more.
We are going to Trysil. Back late Thursday I believe.
So for a little bit of entertainment you can have some blabla from yesterday (apologies to those who have access to Simply and have already seen this).
Continue reading "Goodbye... again!"
And I still have a Mon!
(more later perhaps)
Ja so we are back from Hyttetrip as previously reported. I took literally hundreds of pics so I thought I'd share a selection. Is better than a report of what we did which was, basically, "hanging about & sometimes going out."
Continue reading "Trysil II - picture report"
Long time no update uh? Well I didn't feel like updating after getting back from Norway. But now I have found a depression reliever, and I would like to share it, because this is actually a BIG FUCKING DEAL!!!!
Continue reading "FUUUUGEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!"
(after all this)
I tried tho.