Ja so I've been talked into doing an entry again, tho soon I must bed for I have to get up very early tomorrow.
So I will tell you about our fun day.
For we did indeed have a fun day! Which is what I will now tell you about. It went like this... (behold! this is where the telling begins!)
First my blowhole (called L.J. - with dots!) came to my flat (called Darryl - without dots!) to bring me birthday presents. They shall be displayed with the rest of them at a later date, but let's just say they were all green.
My blowhole has great taste (or let's say, she knows I have great taste, hehe).
We then headed off to meet the venerable Vega at the Palace Pier... and were confronted with this:
Some motorbike thing going on. *lol* We thought "woaaah how on earth are we supposed to find her among all these people" and I was ready to text her going "ok we are exactly here", but turned out all the people were lining up along the road to see motorbike people and the actual entrance to the Palace Pier was pretty empty... so we found our Vega.
Vega had food for the picnic, but we didn't. We decided to get it from Subway (my blowhole had never had Subway before!!). Then because we had plenty of time before the bus left we went to shops to spend money (well I spent money mostly). We went to Waterstones where I bought stuff that cannot be revealed, and then to The Works, funky discount bookstore which is closing down (sob) and had even more discounts than normally, where I bought more stuff, e.g. a cool photography instructions book.
Then we caught the bus to Devil's Dyke. It was an open top bus, which had L.J. in fits of excitement. It was actually quite fun, if a bit windy. Have some pics:
Ok, we eventually arrived at Devil's Dyke. I'd never been by bus before, and the conductor guy told us some interesting stuff, half of which I have by now forgotten. But I finally found out why it's called Devil's Dyke... legend has it the devil attempted to drill a hole from there to the sea to flood the whole of Sussex. How fun. This provoked from me lots of silly exclamations along the lines of "Master, I am here to do your command" and "I can feel the presence of my Master, he will guide us" all day long.
Anyway. We sat down for our picnic. Lovely Vega also gave me a present - a lovely nice-smelling candle and a very cool self-made card!!
(these too shall be shown later...) Ok. Have some more pictures. (I hope I won't get killed for posting these... but I think my blowhole looks lovely.. and whooose birthday was it??? hehe)
Mhm. We finished lunch. Then we decided to go for a walk... well we didn't decide as such, it just sorta happened. There's this valley thing, it looks like so (with a Vega):
.. and we decided to walk all the way down and around the corner to see where it ended. My blowhole also convinced me to roll down part of it, which was great fun but slightly painful (I have not rolled down a hill since I was around 10!!). Vega has embarrassing photographic evidence, but has been threatened with all sorts of repercussions if she posts it online. *lol*
And of course as the saying goes, "what goes down must climb back up," (ok so it doesn't quite say that, but it's still true). Here's a Wam and a Vega at the beginning of our ascent:
None of us are very fit. We moaned and whinged and swore and sweated a lot. But hey, exercise is good!!!! I'll spare you the pics of us on the way up.... I think I may get slaughtered for posting them anyway... but we had nice views:
According to my blowhole this is the hole my Lord Master the Devil started digging (it seems I wasn't properly listening to the bus guy cuz I missed that part)... this doesn't really make sense cuz it's on top of the big hill and would not have flooded anything at all (and my Lord Master is very clever and would not have made such a primitive mistake). Buuut anyway. It's a big hole/crater type thing.
Er yeah. We got to the top eventually & caught bus back. The town was still deserted cuz all the morons were down at the seafront staring at motorbikes so I dragged the girls to do some shopping. I bought straighteners from Superdrug (ick! me! straighteners!) & a cool green top from Primark (even Primark was empty!!! It was SPOOKY I tell you!). Then we went to the blowhole's place (called Eo) to climb out of windows, wash pigs, get hair straightened, and talk.
Yeah that's pretty much the end. Vega went to meet her Paul to go see ChocFac, and I came home to go online.
Awww. Sounds like you had such a cool day.
You bought straightening irons!?!?! Welcome to the club!
So that's why its called Devil's Dyke... I thought it's because, um... you know? (never mind)
Posted by: J on Sun September 11, 2005 at 22:31Looong entry. Well done
I want to see the rolling down the hill picture.
Posted by: Lo on Sun September 11, 2005 at 22:34Aye, but not-so-clever people blame the Master on silly things! LOL
They are COOL pictures!!! Looks like it was a brilliant day. LOL @ open top bus!
Posted by: Woods on Sun September 11, 2005 at 22:35Aye @ straighteners. It looked funky when the guy in the hairdressers did it. And Superdrug had this GREAT offer - down from £50 to £17.99! But I am not convinced.
lol @ Devil's Dyke. Shush.
I may show you once I get it Lo. Maybe.
Dickwit, I did not approve these photos!!!
It was windy.
Posted by: The BML on Mon September 12, 2005 at 11:11
And yes was windy, therefore hair all over the place is entirely normal and acceptable.
You didn't put that in your entry.
Are you saying I have messay hair?!?!?
Posted by: The BML on Mon September 12, 2005 at 15:32I did. I said it was windy.
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon September 12, 2005 at 18:21