It's terrible!!!
I am cursing myself now for not insisting to go there with my mum last year.
On a positive note tho, I have just ordered THIS:
(review here)
[edit] Hm so because I felt bad about spending so much money just after crying about Katrina I've just donated roughly the same amount to the American Red Cross's Katrina fund. Feel free to follow my example. [/edit]
I can't really grasp the whole situation in New Orleans. It's pretty surreal.
it's unbelievable innit? the whole fucking region! hundreds of thousands of people without a home... it's so sad
Hang on... New Orleans is yours too now?? I didn't know you liked it
Yeah it's horrible but doesn't feel real coz I don't watch the news and knew nothing about it. Only came across it on today and don't really have any idea what's going on.
Posted by: The BML on Thu September 1, 2005 at 16:52Ja I like it. Mainly thru the books of Anne Rice, and because it has (had) great cemeteries.
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu September 1, 2005 at 18:31Wow. That's very generous of you! And you inspired me to do that same. It really breaks my heart to see all these poor people suffer so much...
Posted by: Anne on Fri September 2, 2005 at 13:12Hm and I regret sending the money now because I'm thinking in the end the Red Cross people will only get shot at when they try to help
Don't worry. I think they will eventually bring back order to N.O. and the money will be well used. What makes me a little uneasy is that I gave a lot more for N.O. than for the tsunami victims... but then again, I think way fewer people will donate for the US so maybe it's alright when you look at it from that perspective.
Posted by: Anne on Fri September 2, 2005 at 13:30I think I donated roughly the same amount back then... maybe a bit less. Plus my mum donated then as well and I know she won't now cuz she dislikes the US so that's ok.
It doesn't make that much of a difference anyway - it was to the Red Cross in both cases. PLUS I think back then I was told they already had lots so would use newly donated money for other stuff lol.