... here's your entry people. *pats*
[edit] Wow, you have to watch this!! Amazing 1st hand Katrina report. Yes it's long, but it's worth it! [/edit]
I don't actually have much to say. J said I should do a "Charlie & birthday" update, so I'll give it a go. And I'll try to add some general "my life" info.
Charlie is my new cam (name suggested - again - by J. As was my dinner tonight - Dominos pizza!! Hm, anything I do seems to be suggested by her these days ). Charlie is very very very very sexy. Mainly cuz she's so tiny (yes it's a she. the cams always are). Oooh she's so tiny! Which makes her very sexy.
She also has a very fun "Best Shot" feature which is great for retards like me who can't figure out the best settings for any given shot. It's basically lots of presets like twilight, backlight, scenery, softly flowing water & whatnot. And then of course there's antishake. Very fun. And oh so tiny!
So I've been carrying that around most the time (because it's so tiny you know... ok I'll shut up now). And took lots of pics. Wanna see some? Ok. (incl. some pointless animations lol)
Yeah so that's that. What else is new... yesterday was work night out, I ended up staying a little longer than I'd planned (originally I was gonna bugger off as soon as I'd used up my free drinks vouchers lol). It was fun I guess, I learnt some new office gossip and had some interesting conversations.
Jaja. Been doing some overtime (and will again on Monday - 10hr day - eek!) which I have negotiated to exchange for flexitime - another precious half day off! I think that leaves me with 4.5 days. Not quite sure what to do with them yet. Might just go see Mon again (but first I am going to see her for 9 days starting next Sat!! wheeeeeeeeeee!!!). Or maybe I'll even go to Lux.
Ja and then today was my birthday, I turned 28, which is very old. I got presents from Katja & Tobias (very very cool Art books, and WillyWonkadroolbook, and gay vampire stories lmao) and from my Lo (colourful stuff!!!!!!!!!!
). Apparently more stuff is underway... so may do present-picture-entry at a later date. Oh and Tommy called.
I spent the day first shopping for hair stuff, then doing laundry and cleaning the flat, which was way overdue. Now it's all squeaky clean and I need not be ashamed when my blowhole sees it tomorrow. Ja cuz tomorrow Vega and the blowhole and I will go for a picnic at Devil's Dyke. No doubt more pictures will be taken.
End of your entry people.
what is up with the beyond dull outfit?
Posted by: Kal on Sun September 11, 2005 at 3:55Happy belated birthday!
Very nice and interesting pictures.
Thanks Michelle
Kal, what's with the rudeness?
It's my MoMA T-shirt & it's very cool. I love my MoMA T-shirt.
Wow. Computer technology confsues me. How did you make the sea move etc?!?
And Happy Birthday! Hope it was all colourful and wonderful and continues to be so.
Posted by: snow on Sun September 11, 2005 at 13:12Happy belated birthday.
Wow, that camera is amazing!!!
It's an animated gif. Really not very sophisticated at all.