Everyone who doesn't like green sucks big time.
Sheksheeee! i really like it! You could give me a lesson or two.
Green eyeshadow is a personal favorite of mine
Thanks but I think my make up skills really suck... but I have annoying eyes anyway.
And yeah I know you like green...I remember you had a GREAT shade when you were over last year
@ Lo
Oh yeah, the MAC pallete? Bloody cool huh? it's custom, I selected the colours my self. you'd love the eyeliner I have
That would make a cool animated gif!
Yes MAC... one day I will get me some.
Them stores intimidate me
No would look weird as gif cuz different angles.
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed September 14, 2005 at 23:33You could blend/morph them a la Black or White that would be funny
hm I used to have a morphing program... somewhere... ages ago... (read: too lazy, not gonna happen
I just read your presents entry and was just about to comment with "we want pics of the makeup on!!" but you already have!
Woo. I love it. Now I want some green makeup.
I don't like green, but the pictures look cool.
You should like green
How can anyone NOT like green?!?!?
Whoever gave you that mascara fucking rocks.
Posted by: The BML on Thu September 15, 2005 at 12:04
Green is ewww.
Grrrrrreen is Grrrrrrrrrreat!!
Grrrrrreen eyeshadow is even better. Teach me how to beautify my eyes Citz. Yours are perfect!
Posted by: Mel on Thu September 15, 2005 at 19:45 Bloody hell!!!! It doesn't take that long at all!!! HERE> http://mjunbreakable.50megs.com/diary/greeen.gif
so- is it really not that easy being green?
Posted by: Kal on Fri September 16, 2005 at 1:50