... and could not ask for more.
But you do not have Mon (for she's mine and I do not share, except with her dogs), so to help you get over that distressing lack in your life, I will provide you with some pretty pictures. My generosity knows no bounds!
Ok first off I will show you my Mon. Extremely cute looking as always.
Ok then without further ado I present to you.... the birthday presents!!!!!
Ja. Isn't she wonderful?
(and marvellous and mine!!!!
) Ok and now you can have some more pictures... first of animals.
And to round it all off you can have some green things, for green is wonderful and there is loads of green around here. That's cuz Mon has exquisite taste and likes green.
Ja. Let's end on a short summary of my/our day...
got up 4.30, caught bus (I was almost late!)
spent loads at Heathrow (ChocFac GBA game, portable speakers, expensive earphones)
caught plane (had 3 seats to myself)
caught train to Lillestrøm (I can do funny o!!!)
found Mon (
) with tiny dog (also
went to buy duvet, food (italian stuff for bread!! ) and Diet Coke / Pepsi Max
came home and hung about doing various things.
Which I intend to do for the next NIIIINE DAYS!!!!!
I have a Mon I have a Mon I have a Mon I have a Mon....
Ooooh! I love kites. Did you put it together? Have fun flying it tomorrow. Rainbow Brite.
Mon Mon's place is so different than it used to be. And it is very green.
Kanutten is very cute.
Monica is very cute.
I like the palm tree.
Have fun:)
Posted by: jimmy on Sat September 17, 2005 at 18:43Clarissa....
Someone stole my phone a few weeks ago and I had to get a new one. It had your phone number on it. Can you text me with your phone number? pretty please.
III bought her the tree oO( well kind of
LOL ja she told me about the tree. It's very cool!
Ok Jimmy will txt you. (eek @ having phone stolen). Not put kite together yet. Has scary confusing instructions.
I want more food
Um that was me.
(I could just go back and edit the name but this way it makes me look more popular lol)
Awww!!! I LOVE pics of Norway!!
I love those pets too! Cute!! LOL @ chocolate. Mon has very nice place indeed! Enjoy yourself!
Prozac Nation is already out on DVD??? Woo!
I got that book for Xmas when I was 15.
Posted by: Mel on Sun September 18, 2005 at 0:31Prozac Nation is already out on DVD??? Woo!
I got that book for Xmas when I was 15.
Posted by: Mel on Sun September 18, 2005 at 0:31Arseness @ Twiceness!
Posted by: Mel on Sun September 18, 2005 at 0:32LOL. Ja, came out here (in cinema) ages ago - apparently cuz the director is a Norwegian.
Posted by: Clarissa on Sun September 18, 2005 at 10:08