... by request.
In chronological order the way I got them....
The end. So thanks everyone!!!!!!
Woah. All that green is kinda... overwhelming!!! You'll be spoilt for choice with all the eyeshadow, tee hee.
You appear to have one for every day of the week.
Gay Vampire stories... not suprised. The whole thing does come across as hom-erotic, well Anne Rice books did. But she'sone filthy bitch..
Loving Vega's card. It's so pretty!
One can never have enough green in one's life!!!! I might try to create some super-extreme look incorporating a few of the eyeshadows in one go
Very true @ Anne Rice's vampires. But this stuff is pure porn!
Ja @ Vega, I know. She's very talented
you could do a 80's/Haute Coutour thing with the eyeshadow. Only green though. That'll be fun.
Anne Rice did a Sleeping Beauty themed "erotic" novel. I swear I came across it by accident, I was only 15. Scared for life I tell ya! Still getting therapy. *snigger*
Posted by: J on Wed September 14, 2005 at 21:51I presume that someone had a birthday then?
Happy Birthday, for whenever it is/was/will be.
I'll diaryise the date in preperation for next year.
Posted by: Charlie Williams on Wed September 14, 2005 at 21:51*jealous of all green stuff*
L.J. and J. very good at finding green stuff I must say
And very cool Vega card too even though it isn't green
I want presents too
Thanks Charlie
oops - *feels tad guilty* Brill prezzies!! Cuteness!
LOL @ green Nessie from J!
I didn't know it was your birthday. Happy belated birthday, girl! *makes mental note to write birthdays down*
You didn't include my ribbons!!!
Anyway, bappy belated hurfday.
Posted by: The BML on Thu September 15, 2005 at 16:39Thanks everyone!!!