I share with you…

Posted on January 15th, 2008 @ 22:56 in Uncategorized

… well I’m still going through my pics and altho I’ve now found a way to rescue the files that crash Explorer it’s still time consuming and tedious and Explorer keeps crashing. I’m up to 2005 tho and so far my “selection” folder has about 75 pics. God I have sooo many pics of me displaying my latest hairstyle or -colour – I might turn that into an entry of its own. :)) The many hair-faces of Clarissa.

I’ve also decided to register for organ donation again – I used to have a donor card years ago in Lux. Anyway I’ll wait with that until I’ve moved. What I will not wait with however is registering for Amex BA card because it will make sense to put all my major flat acquisitions on that and collect some serious mileage. So will do that tmw.

What I will also do tomorrow is go see my solicitor – the flat saga is finally coming to an end, and fingers crossed we’ll have the sale completed by the end of next week. Like seriously, oh my God, is it really happening? Yes yes here’s hoping!

Oh, and on my way back from my solicitor I will… pop into O2 and get myself a shiny new toy, a.k.a. Igor the iPhone!!!!! So I was a good girl and waited until after the Apple Keynote, and 3rd party applications should / will be possible, I don’t care what this means in practice, I WANT A NEW TOY NOW!!!!! ! I hope I won’t regret it like the iPod purchase, but I’m sure I won’t. =P~ Oh, and isn’t the Air damn slick too? I’d hate to become one of them Apple freaks but you have to admit that is one hell of a sexy laptop. (sorry Tommy! forgive meeee!) It’s all Tobias’s fault anyway, yada yada Mac Mac Mac!!!! :no

Hum yeah. Dentist tomorrow too. And year-end-appraisal preparation meeting. Now that is gonna be fun (not the meeting, actually writing the appraisal). As you all know I am so great at “praising myself” – it’s like writing a damn job application all over again! 8-| At least I do have the certainty that I have done well – I know this, I have proof. I just… have to put it into words. Yay. *lol*

Time for bed. Over and out.


Geez effing Christ

Posted on January 14th, 2008 @ 19:14 in Uncategorized

I am impressed with myself cuz it didn’t take me 3 months after all – I managed to salvage I’d say about 90% of my digipics off old CDs, DVDs and the like…. it came up to about 16,000 files, starting in summer 2001.

Currently I am going through them and deleting blurry ones / excessive repeats (30 close ups of my eyes taken on the same day etc *lol*), and also at the same time making a small selection to hopefully be included in one, or more, long ass picture entries in the reasonable future.

Unfortunately my Windows Explorer keeps crashing while I do this and I don’t know if it’s due to a faulty hard drive, the potentially partly damaged files, or something else entirely… and I am too terrified to investigate. WHAT IF I LOSE IT ALL!? Must buy external drive soon and back up. :-S [issue sorted]

Next up… same thing with my music collection! 😀 (hooray! *lol*)

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Protected: By request – long-ass entry

Posted on January 12th, 2008 @ 22:15 in Uncategorized

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Posted on January 7th, 2008 @ 19:58 in Uncategorized

I could complain about how I achieved exactly nothing this past week-end, only watching movies and lying in bed reading or sleeping, and about how stressful work was today, and about how I then came home and did more of exactly nothing, even tho I still have to unpack my Germany suitcase, call my nan, clear away the laundry from two weeks ago and finally do the dishes as I have no clean knives left…

… but that would be pointless so instead I’ll recommend you read Elyse Sewell‘s rather fabulous LiveJournal and let it delight you with its wit, humour and intelligence, as it has done for me.

There. Soon it will be late enough to justify going to bed.


Mon wants an update

Posted on January 5th, 2008 @ 18:18 in Uncategorized

… about my stay with Katja and Tobias. She’s so demanding. 8-| But I forgive her cuz she’s my Angel Person. 😡 😀 More »


Britney wheeled to hospital on a stretcher…

Posted on January 4th, 2008 @ 14:00 in Uncategorized

…. this is what I  think. More »


I’m off…

Posted on December 28th, 2007 @ 22:11 in Uncategorized

… to Mainz to see Katja and Tobias. Katja has convinced me to leave my laptop behind so I won’t be online… much. :-n I wish you all a Happy New Year! 🙂


End of year survey 2007…

Posted on December 24th, 2007 @ 13:20 in Uncategorized

Previously… 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003. More »

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Protected: Lalala mememe!!!

Posted on December 18th, 2007 @ 22:26 in Uncategorized

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Protected: And the award goes to…

Posted on December 12th, 2007 @ 23:09 in Uncategorized

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