Yes yes I am finally red again! Red and short-haired!!! It’s like a rebirth or something! 😀 Pic here (Facebook) if you’re interested, but it’s really not that different from all the previous reds and shorthaireds. :)) More »
I’m counting down the days. A week left to go. You can be damn sure that come May I won’t be touching this damn blog for quite a while. :)) Well except I’ll be in Norway (Norway! 😡 ) so I may update from there. Actually, Monica will update for me, she didn’t the last two times I was there, and that’s just not acceptable! :no More »
Another cheaty entry where I don’t say much.
I make my case: I went to bed at 6pm for a quick nap. I know I know, that’s kinda late for naps. Anyhow. I woke up well past 10pm, and, well, it just seems reasonable to go straight back to bed and try and catch up on my sleep deficit. I’m also pissed off because my right ear, which had healed to the point where I thought it would be all done in a few days, is now seeping again. Not that this bears any relevance to this (non-)entry other than life is not fair therefore I should be allowed to cheat.
So there you go. I hope this was convincing. :))
I kinda forgot about this. We went volleyballing again today, it was ok, there was only six of us and three on either side is just not enough when you’re pretty shit at volleyball.
I also went to the Open Market to try and find a bike, but one shop was closed and the other one only had three bikes with the cheapest one £100. She told me to come back at the weekend. I can also go to the Sunday Market on, well, Sunday.
Private dermatologist doesn’t think it’s an allergy but something else which I’ve forgotten the name of (ah, here), he’s given me a prescription for various things, but recommended I go to my GP practice and ask them to give me an NHS prescription for it instead cuz will be much cheaper. I will probably chicken out and pay full price but I’ll give it a go tomorrow.
It’s becoming a theme innit. But hey, I gave you a video that some of you found fun, I gave you a long arse entry about my childhood, so I deserve a short “can’t be bothered” one now. More »
First part here. Came across this last night and remembered that I said I might write a 2nd part about the non-school-bits. (NB I started this in December. I also realize there is nothing very wayward about most of this, but that was the title of the first part so…) More »
I uploaded the video I shot last week. It’s not particularly interesting, but it can count as today’s entry if I can’t be bothered to write another one! 😀