Paris report May 07
I LOVE PARIS!!!! 😡 😡 😡 As usual this is mainly for my own records and largely irrelevant to most of you so ignore at will. Non-Paris entry soon to come (hopefully). More »
*tap tap* Is this thing on?
I LOVE PARIS!!!! 😡 😡 😡 As usual this is mainly for my own records and largely irrelevant to most of you so ignore at will. Non-Paris entry soon to come (hopefully). More »
The Mika competition that is. Sooo I’m gonna see him again tomorrow, yippie-yay hip hip hooray!!!! More »
Guess who’s just won an eBay auction to see Mika in Brighton on Friday, i.e. IN TWO FRIGGIN DAYS!??!?!
😀 😡 😀 😡 😀 😡 😀 😡 😀 😡 😀 😡 etc etc :))
The whole competition thing is becoming more and more of a joke tho. The latest Mika newsletter says winners have been rewarded with their tickets and are listed on his MySpace blog… but they’re not, and no one knows what’s going on. Great coordination there in the Mika camp. But frankly right now I don’t care since I’ll see him on Friday. :yay And then I’ll get 2hrs sleep and die of exhaustion in Paris, but who cares, his adorable smile is so worth it! 😡 😡 😡
So here’s that update. I have a draft at work actually but that’s no use to me now, so I’ll have to start afresh I guess. First off, as you can see, there is a new layout, and it is not green. Do you like my Flames of Wisdom? I hope they will enrich your lives. More »
Tomorrow I will update. Yes yes. (probably)
In the meantime, check out the cute-cool-crazy Clarissa ringtone & animation Vega made for her new phone. :)) 😡 😀
Jaaaa so I finally made that Melshirt over the weekend. First I messed it up big time… then I tried again on Sunday and got it right this time… however those Rymans transfers are really crap so it’s still fairly bad quality unfortunately. 🙁 One day I’ll make a proper one tho. Anyway in the meantime… (crappy webcam pics) More »
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