Posted on May 4th, 2007 @ 23:28 in Uncategorized
Tomorrow I will update. Yes yes. (probably)
In the meantime, check out the cute-cool-crazy Clarissa ringtone & animation Vega made for her new phone. :)) 😡 😀
*tap tap* Is this thing on?
Tomorrow I will update. Yes yes. (probably)
In the meantime, check out the cute-cool-crazy Clarissa ringtone & animation Vega made for her new phone. :)) 😡 😀
Copyright © 2025 ClarissaBlag All rights reserved. Theme by Laptop Geek, modified by Clarissa.
Heheh 🙂 Ive animated four more friends now. Its so much fun!
:)) 😀
Hooray!! I shall update too (thrilling 😐 ) if I can figure out how to pay my hosting provider with my new switch card. I’m confused.
Cute Mel. 😡
And wheeeee @ update! 😀
Awww biatch, I’ve downloaded this theme, too, but now that you’re using it I won’t. :p
:)) Sorry. 😐 It is cool isn’t it. 😀 (or hot, rather? 😛 )
It is nice. It’s not perfect, but you know I love yellow, that’s why I also liked the theme.
I actually considered changing it all to green, but then decided it was time for a change from green and left it. :wh
Omg, that is the cutest thing!