Belated Birthday Entry?
Sorta by request, showing presents and stuff. Also I’ve cut and dyed my hair again and taken photographs. Tho there’s nothing new really. Every time I go for new hair dye these days I hover around the shelves in Boots for ages and wonder if I should go for something different… but I always end up with Real Red. Well except when I went green. *hehe*
Anyway so I’ve taken some pics, haven’t I. I have. Obviously there’s some serious “hiding double chin” angle going on here. But there’s been barely been any photoshopping (none at all in fact, apart from cropping).

Um yeah and then Katja wanted to see my Birthday presents. There weren’t that many. (this layout is too narrow for the medium flickr pics, pls forgive me for smallness)

From Katja and Tobias: James Rizzi 2009 calendar, David Tennant – Doctor Who =p~ with ghost transmission triangulation gear (not pictured), and the Complete Series of Coupling!! 😮 😀

From Thomas, rather unexpectedly, another one of them hot rainbow Absolut bottle containers. 😀 And some videos. 😡 Posted to “My Wam, [address], Brighton.” Which made it pretty difficult and highly embarrassing to get post office person to hand over the package. :)) (I hadn’t even noticed that the docket said my Wam until I got there) “So do you have identification for My Wam?” “He wrote…? Oh man! No course I don’t. :)) ” “Do you know where it was posted from?” “Um… somewhere in Lincolnshire… Scunthorpe?” [other waiting person laughs … Post office person returns] “Sooo…. do you know Tom’s surname?” “Yeah, [surname].” [post office person reluctantly hands over parcel] So, um, yeah, if you post something that’s likely to not fit through the letter slot… don’t use nicknames. 😀
Anyway. From work people, I got the stripey T-shirt worn in the photos above (this was from Mandy & Jana only), a Venice guide (I was meant to go there with my mum but then she couldn’t) and an Office Voodoo kit (this was Antje’s idea and rather appropriate lol).
Those vodka bottles are really cool.
I know! 😀
Ello, could you please mail me the PW for the protected entry? I do not have the PW at me BF’s, but I’d like to read the entry over here tonight.
Done :]
Meeeh, somehow I didn’t receive anything…
Weird. Do you still have the same email address? Will write in your blog.