Posted on October 6th, 2011 @ 23:41 in
This seems to be becoming a travel blog exclusively. Also, I probably shouldn’t speak too soon – there is still more than 24hrs where it can all go wrong. It doesn’t look like Philippe will become an immediate threat though.
I have tons planned – tons – I fear I may not have enough time for it all, but I will do my darnedest. And if I fail I can always go back later. *lol* I am totally glad the thing fell through in August tho, cuz imagine, otherwise it’d be all over by now! *hehe*
[ok, I don’t actually have much to say, just thought it was time to update this thing for a change. Hopefully the next update will be a NY travelogue! And then one day I will tell you what else is going on in my life. That should be an interesting one…]
Posted on September 10th, 2011 @ 00:58 in
And I almost forgot to write about it! Which just won’t do, cuz I need to have a report each and every single time. More »
Posted on August 27th, 2011 @ 10:03 in
Well, not now anyway. It’s funny, I seem to be quite… accepting of it all. Sad, for sure, and a bit lost – what am I supposed to do with my weekend now? I’m hoping I can go back to work on Tuesday, cuz I need those days now for when I rebook my flight, which I intend to do as soon as I know when I can get time off in October. But anyway, I’m not ranting and raving. Almost zen. Tho definitely sad. *sigh*
It’s odd, when you’ve been somewhere quite a few times and you have distinct images of it in your head… that place is kind of with you at all times. I can imagine being in New York whenever I wish (I can’t necessarily imagine being in Munich for instance, only having been twice and having hazy memories). And I had those images in my mind leading up to the trip – going into a deli, or making my way down a crowded 6th Avenue, or rummaging through cheapy K-mart clothes. Those images were possibilities then, and it made them exciting. Now it won’t happen for a while, and the images are still there, but they are tainted with sadness.
One of the amazing and baffling things about places you love is that they are always there, even while you are not in them. They’re still the same, hanging around their usual spot, being their awesome selves. And sometimes you pop over to ascertain that they have lost none of their awesomeness, you enjoy the experience for a while, and leave them to it again. I don’t know if that makes any sense, I’m kinda rambling cuz I’m tired and disappointed. But it’s something I often feel about Paris as well. Paris is always there. And always mine, of course. As is New York, too. It may not know it, but it is mine.
Oh I really need to get some more sleep. Woke up at 4.30am. And I had a cancellation text from BA. Which is nice of them, really. And it’s not their fault of course. Fucking Irene.
Posted on August 21st, 2011 @ 09:37 in
I did one of these for every 1000th track, because it’s interesting – not just the tracks, but the intervals between tracks as well. At the beginning it’s around 1-2 months, then it slows down significantly most of 2009-2010, then picks up again with the new job and constant Spotify at work (but, if I didn’t have that, presumably I’d still be at 2009 pace. What happened? Why did I listen to so much more music years ago? Hm).
Also, of course, as always, I have great taste in music. 😀 More »
Posted on July 31st, 2011 @ 14:59 in
Right here. That’s all. The sun is calling.
Posted on July 28th, 2011 @ 22:43 in
Posted on July 17th, 2011 @ 23:24 in
Alright. I’m only posting this here cuz 1. someone on Twitter has been badgering me that I should update and 2. I’m probably never going to do anything more with it so that way at least it doesn’t disappear forever like so many other things that never get past 500 words. It started out as a thing (so you’ll get to see that at the end of the month) which I thought could be expanded on. It’s also inspired by… well… stuff my therapist has said. But it is of course not autobiographical. *lol* More »
Posted on June 21st, 2011 @ 22:52 in
25th trip since I started this blog. Which means nothing at all. *lol* But this was my first trip in many years with Charlotte, which does mean something as she used to be my Paris partner in crime back in the late 90es. It was with her that I went 1998, for the World Cup final, which was one of the most amazing experiences ever (the French won. They were very happy). More »
Posted on June 12th, 2011 @ 01:33 in
There is none. Haha! *cough* Ahem, anyway, I thought it was time to jot down some random thoughts again. I read a column by my beloved Max Goldt the other day where he basically just makes lots of random little unconnected points. Of course he’s acerbic and hilarious while doing it, while I will be dull and self-indulgent. But hey, he gets paid for it and I get charged (at least for the webspace). More »
Posted on May 30th, 2011 @ 23:00 in
And I shall blog about it for my trip collection. 😛 More »