
Aaaah good…

Posted on February 25th, 2008 @ 21:09 in Uncategorized

… good to know that altho I am still not over “C” (I dreamt about him again last night – FFS!!!) I am definitely much better than I was back then.

Yes. That is good. 🙂


Flat video update…

Posted on February 24th, 2008 @ 23:04 in Uncategorized

… and shit? More »


This is cute / makes me sad

Posted on February 23rd, 2008 @ 16:09 in Uncategorized

Reply to a very old AskMefi question of mine:

I still have all the appreciation letters that my patients have written to me over 11 years of practice – all three of them.

They mean a lot to me. I suspect if people realized this, they would write more often.

FYI the guy who wrote this, one of the more prominent posters on Mefi, is a neurologist.

The moral of the story? Write more thank you letters!!! People appreciate them. A lot. For the record, I did end up writing one to Sue (my lovely counsellor, cf question), and I got a reply back about how much she appreciated it. 🙂

In other news, I should maybe think about getting a Twitter and/or Tumblr account as I’d originally planned when I got an iPhone.

But would anyone read them!? *lol*

(I need to go to Homebase)


Colour me impressed

Posted on February 23rd, 2008 @ 15:43 in Uncategorized

(for some reason I wanna write colour American-style there. probably cuz of Color Me Badd)

Uploading a 4.5MB pdf of today’s NYT to your own server… accessing it via iPhone.. bingo! I totally expected Safari to crash. And contrary to my expectations I can close the browser and return to it without Safari insisting on reloading it. So I can even take it on the bus on my way to Homebase. 😀 Apparently emailing them to yourself is also a good way to do this.

(tho of course it would be even better if I could just upload pdfs to the iPhone directly, just like mp3s and photos. and yes yes I know Tobias, your HTC probably does all that. but it ain’t half as sexy as my iPhone!)


Dramatic LOL (youtube)

Posted on February 23rd, 2008 @ 14:00 in Uncategorized

Kinda funny… to me. 😛

OMGZ dramatic chipmunk!!!
– Well no actually, it’s a prairie dog.

Fast forward a few months…

OMGZ dramatic lemur!!!
– Seriously dude… it’s a tarsier! *dramatic eyeroll*

(some Wiki for your erudition: chipmunk, prairie dog, lemur, tarsier.
Bet not a single one of you is gonna click these links lol)


Rock-a-bye baby

Posted on February 20th, 2008 @ 22:16 in Uncategorized

The One Where I give you a bit of an update about what’s been going on in my life, notably flat-wise More »


Do you know Victor Borge?

Posted on February 19th, 2008 @ 20:21 in Uncategorized

I didn’t (probably Jimmy will, and maybe squiZZ?). He was a Danish/American humorist. Anyway I do now, thanks to Mefi, so you should too. He was pretty funny. (all youtube links)



Posted on February 17th, 2008 @ 00:57 in Uncategorized

You know you’re from Luxembourg… :wh :]

[edit 8:09] LMFAO now this entry’s up there too!


You know you’re from Luxembourg…

Posted on February 16th, 2008 @ 01:07 in Uncategorized

I’m procrastinating. (should be tidying up cuz Kate’s coming tmw) My cousin joined this group on Facebook and they have this long list of things about Lux (it’s pretty student-abroad-centric). Anyway it’s quite interesting / fun / weird. Some points I totally know / identify with, some are part of the many reasons I ran away from Lux, and some mean nothing at all to me (I’m getting old, me). So here’s a shortened and commented version. 😀 More »


Y’all people just don’t care. Innit!

Posted on February 15th, 2008 @ 21:07 in Uncategorized

I added the “edited version” of the “long random video” with His squiZZness to this post a few hours after the original entry, but I cocked up the link. BUT NOBODY FUCKING NOTICED!!!!!!!!!! :no

Anyway I’ve changed it now so go and watch cuz it contains a cute squi. Yep yep.

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