Stuff I’ve made

This page will try to gather all the various things I’ve created – drawn, sewn, designed, directed (ha), crafted and so on. As of yet incomplete, and perpetually a work in progress! I do realise it’d be nicer if there were pics rather than having to click on the links, but… meh. For now. *lol*

Sewing and so on

Drawing, painting, scribbling

T-shirts, iron on designs

I’m bored of this now, so you’ll get the short version. There’s some here, and there’s also my Zazzle store. Plus the Making of Broken-minded (which can be found on Zazzle). There were also various T-shirt designs feat. pics of my friends throughout the years. I’ll dig them up. Some day.


Find me on and on (German). I think that’s pretty much it, at least for stuff that’s still online. 😛


Sorry for the slightly different layout. You can also directly check out my YouTube channel which has some more stuff (but some of it is linked below. Sorry).

  • The Dangling video (real, 855kb, 1:23mins)
    Done in April 2003, with the slore. About the whole Michael Jackson baby dangling incident. A lot of work went into this!
  • Your love… (link goes to blog entry)
    Um. I wrote a really stupid poem to poke fun at crappy amateur poets… then tried to one-up myself by reciting it in various embarrassing ways.
  • Buy Poptastic (youtube, 0:46)
    One of my most inspired moments, imho. *lol* It’s an ad for a cleaning product. I had loads of audio samples to play with. It was great fun!
  • Various poems & other crap (link to entry)
    Nostalgia-entry. This is really only funny if you know the people involved. Ah, those were the days…
  • MTV Cribs at our old flat (youtube, 4:39mins) alt. 4.15MB .rm
    MTV Cribs-style tour of our flat… including “funnyspeak accent” as popularised by the end of the world flash film.
  • DIY video made by Mon (wmv, 1.2MB, 1:15mins)
    I made a DIY kit with pre-recorded audio snippets and photos and stuff.. and Monica came up with this :)) – again, funniest if you know the context and people involved.
  • Pat and Pride (link to entry, lots of videos)
    The slore and I were at it again. Brighton Pride 2006, we had great fun annoying people with our vibrating dog. Shut up. Just read the entry for more info. This is the kinda stuff that makes me love people, rather than hate them.
  • Clarissa’s News at Night (youtube, 2:30min)
    News show trivial stuff. Yes it’s meant to be funny! And I had great fun playing around with Adobe Premiere Elements.
  • My first Silent Movie (youtube, 1:58min)
    “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.” Slightly… weird, hehe
  • Cooking for Dummies (youtube, 6:08min)
    I can’t cook. Yet I have a cooking show? Go figure. Complete rubbish of course.


  • Rainbow muffins (and more)- these are a “work in progress”, I want to figure out how to get the colours to stay in layers rather than turn into swirls.
  • Rainbow earrings – I had a short jewellery-making phase too! *lol*
  • Crazy – Why? is a weird installation and fake interview from 2001 I think.
  • Julia – fake news article with self-portraits. *lol* Also 2001.
  • I also used to make animated gifs / short stop motion films. Wish I still had better quality versions of this stuff (maybe I do? Will have to dig).

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