Brighton in pictures
Yay, so we had another beautiful week-end! I spent much of it on the beach, and some of it shopping, and also a little bit of it doing translations. *hehe* And none of it at a meeting. *cough* Anyway, have loads of pictures! Some of these were taken last week-end… but it looked much the same then except people were still dressed a bit warmer. 😛
PS Oh, and new survey up on MySpace Blog. It’s a “grown up” survey and quite fun. No silly teenie questions. 🙂
PPS Yay. I got my first sunburn of the year. Despite using 2 different kinds of sun lotion, incl. one SPF 30. 😐

This was yesterday. Lots of coaches. Usually they’re here to cart tourists or cyclists or some other group of people from/to Brighton….

… but this time they were here for their own sake! *lol* How cute.

Beach with people. Some in the sea – they’re insane. It’s freezing!!
Okay pictures below all taken last Monday (Easter Monday) on my walk to Hove…

Masses of people on the prom

Kid on trampoline thing. Wheee!

Chillin’ in the sun.

Very Brighton, this.

Will you keep me a spot please?

Also very Brighton. Soon no more West Pier…
Aaand finally here are 2 of the outfits I bought today – at Peacock’s of all places!

Am well chuffed with them. I went into Primark as well and fled after a few minutes. It’s unbearable in there on week-ends. I get almost claustrophobic – and very very irritated by all the people. 😐 People annoyed me in general today actually. I must not lose my Zen!!!!
Perhaps now I will do that Brighton video I’ve been going on about for ages. Or maybe I’ll do some more translating. Or just watch Notes on a Scandal. Hehe.
Oh, tell me about “Notes on a Scandal” when you’re done. I’m currently watching “12 Angry Men” and it so reminds me of the MJ trial. I can imagine they fought a lot for MJ’s acquittal, too.
Will steal survey some time later or so. Still got to study while watching movie. 😐
Heehee. And ok. But won’t watch it tonight after all cuz there’s a double bill of Grey’s Anatomy. :wh
Cute outfits 🙂 And I hate Primark too on weekends! Bloody women and their bloody buggies!
I miss Brighton! :((
Awww :hug
And oooh you have Internet?!?! 😀
I do! 😀