Holidays!!! (again)

Posted on April 11th, 2007 @ 20:17 in Uncategorized

Rrrright so I have booked stuff, planned more stuff, researched stuff, what have you. And now I’ll share my results with you. 😀

So first off I’m going to Paris 12-13 May – wheeee! I’ve had enough of people calling (my mum) and texting (Charlie) me going all “I’m in Paris, it’s so wonderful” so it was about time I went again myself! I’m doing my usual “getting up in the middle of the night” thing but that’s ok. It will be fun fun fun!!! 😡 😀

Then I’m off to Regensburg on the 8th of June to see my ever-beloved Placebo (concert no.18 in case you were counting – wonder if I can make it to 20 this year?) and then travelling on to Munich the next day to stay with the lovely Anne who has kindly offered to have me. 😀 Not been to Munich since MJ & Friends, hehe.

Luxembourg has been put on hold for now as the festival site have removed Placebo from their listing so I’ll see what happens with that first. I might not go in the end. I was also meant to go to Paris & Luxembourg with Charlie in early summer… but knowing him that ain’t gonna happen anyway. :))

Then there’s 😡 =P~ NYC. =P~ 😡 Unfortunately flights around the time we were meant to go are outrageously expensive (over £500!). Turns out my mum is gonna pay for my flight too (hooray!) but she finds it expensive too. So we’re probably gonna go in September now, where they are a more reasonable £375 (BA). As you all know (of course!) early September is our traditional Paris time so we’re probably gonna do that in early August instead.

And those are my travel plans so far this year. 😀 I just got a huge translation job from Jeff which should put some £450 in the bank, so I can even justify, um, about half of these crazy trips. *hehe*


stagiaire said on Apr 11, 2007 at 10:12 pm

:-$ cuz jealous.

Clarissa said on Apr 11, 2007 at 10:56 pm


Mel said on Apr 11, 2007 at 11:52 pm

Grrrrrrrrrrr!!! But I shall be in NYC in September too. Hooray!

Dee said on Apr 12, 2007 at 3:00 pm

:(( @ EVERYONE going to New York :((

……… 😀 ( :(( )

Anne said on Apr 12, 2007 at 4:03 pm

Yeah, I’ll have a visitor to impress with my good knowledge about Munich! LOL

Clarissa said on Apr 12, 2007 at 4:50 pm

:)) Dee, you’ve been to NYC recently! (more recently than me anyway cuz I remember being jealous)

Wheee @ Anne’s Munich knowledge. 😛

Vega said on Apr 12, 2007 at 11:04 pm

Oohh… Munich 😡 Love that place.


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