Yet another weekend over…
… and it was a very pleasant one! So I’ll share it with you now, including pics and videos. 😀
Yesterday lovely Kate came to visit me from Southampton. 😡 We didn’t really have any plans so when she got here I suggested we go to Lancing College Chapel as she’d not actually seen that yet (despite living here for 3 years… but I also only discovered it after I moved back) . But first we needed lunch of course. We settled on Devil’s Dyke cuz that was sort of in the same direction.
Once we got there we found out the pub was closed. 😐 (for refurbishment I think) Great. We were hungry!! Oh well. So we drove down the Downs and towards Lancing, hoping we’d find some place on the way. And indeed we did! We found the Shepherd and Dog in Fulking (funnily enough if you search for fulking sussex most results are about the pub – I take it that’s all the place has to offer.)
It was actually a very lovely pub with a cuuute “waterside garden.” I had a most delicious ciabatta. And we took some pics. 🙂

I’m not as cold as I look! I’m just trying to hide my double chin. 😛

This is the water of the waterside garden. It’s cuuute!

More idyllicity, and the South Downs in the background.

It’s my Kate! Also very cuuuute! 😡
So then we drove on towards Lancing to see the chapel… and that too was closed while being worked on. =)) Great stuff! (what’s good about this tho is that Kate loved it from the outside so she vouched she’ll come back so we can go inside too! 🙂 ) In the meantime we had decided we were also gonna drive to Sussex Uni campus to take stock of the changes there in recent years and reminisce about the origins of our friendship. We were shocked to find out that we actually started uni almost 10 years ago (Sept ’97). Wow. That’s such a long time! We are so old! :(( Yes it was a scary realisation for both of us!!!
But we got over it and drove back towards Brighton to fly the kite I got from Mon as the wind was perfect. 😀 There were actually quite a few other kiters on the beach (so I guess the wind really was good, not just to novices like us). Ooooh and we had a load of fun!
I’m actually getting better at it, and I did manage to keep it in the air for stretches at a time, and even do some “stunt things” (it’s a stunt kite you see) without crashing it. 😀 I have a video, wanna see? Lo and d say it’s boring, and yeah I guess it is, but I am proud of my achievement. :))
But we did still crash it quite a lot, and spent a lot of time untangling the strings, cuz it kept spinning around itself. :))

Kite in the foreground, Kate in the background.
We also decided on a name for it… we considered Kyle (Kate hates the name), Kai (I didn’t like), Kate (Kate disapproved), Steve (just… wrong!) and finally settled on Kenny. Kenny the Kite! 😀 Fits quite well! OMG THEY KILLED KENNY!!!!! =)) :wh
Here’s a pic of the beautiful setting we did our kite flying in (yes we stayed quite late):

After that we fancied a drink so went to Burger King to have a milk shake. Except they don’t do milk shakes. So we settled on hot choc (as selected from their menu). But they didn’t do that either. They had a big ad for ice creams… but unfortunately they were out of that too. 😐 So in the end we told them where to stick their lackofanything and just walked up and down the Pier (as seen above). Then Kate left.
Sunday was relaxing day. I slept in – oooh the fun of sleeping in! It’s a luxury now! Then I went into town, because it was an amazingly beautiful day, and I wanted to buy another series of Are You Being Served (I had an excuse, what with John Inman dying and all 🙁 ). I ended up also buying some books at Borders’ 3 for 2. Two shortlisted for Booker that I’d been waiting to be on 3 for 2 for ages, and one I read about in thelondonpaper earlier this week:

So I was very pleased with that. And Brighton was radiant!!! You wouldn’t have thought it was March. Sooo many people, ambling about, sitting outside, many in short sleeves, it was just soooo nice!! 🙂

People sitting outside.

People ambling about.
Oh yeah and for a bit of a rant – the tyre tracks from Fatboy Slim’s New Year’s gig still haven’t faded. 🙁

When I got back I recorded a totally silly cooking video. *cough* I’d done a first take last night but that turned out shit. The one today… also turned out shit, but slightly less so. But still very shit. Half the time the cam is not actually focused on what I’m doing, and there are some glitches in the video, and I also didn’t bother much with the post-editing…. so yeah it’s generally shit but apparently amusing all the same. :))
Then, because it was such a nice day and I had new books, I went down to the beach and just lay there and read The Dead of Summer. Which was most marvellous (the experience… not necessarily the book. the book is ok. I am about half way through.). Then I slept. Then edited the cooking video, spoke to people, wrote this, called Jimmy, finished writing this, and now I’m going to bed.
Tomorrow work. Which I don’t actually mind. My weekend was very fun, but I ran out of things to do about 6hrs ago, so going back to other people telling me what to do is fine with me. Next weekend will be quite packed too actually – I’ll be doing the fundraising – calltaking Friday evening, then volunteering at Oxfam on Saturday (I’ve decided not to cancel that), then on Sunday my slore and I will do our tour of Sussex. 😀
I’m a bit worried about the image I’m giving at work… you know how people always ask (very annoyingly!!) “so what you doing this weekend?” – usually I go “nothing much, because I just don’t”, and then they get used to it. But at the moment I do seem to be doing stuff most weekends so whenever asked I have a “sociable” answer like “friend’s birthday party” or “resting cuz I’m travelling up to London twice next week for Placebo concerts” or “friend’s coming to see me”…. so I’m totally giving the wrong impression!! Once I go back to my antisocial ways it will be so much more effort getting people to stop asking that stupid question!! 😐
Anyway. Two more things to look forward to:
- Vega is coming to Brighton sooooon!!! 😡 😀
- My Lord will go to go see Simon Amstell with me!!!! 😀 😡
WOW @ flying kite! It’s like… in the AIR and stuff!
ANd lmao @ your scrambled omelette. Looked nice though, before the “turning”. :)) I want one. But I’ve just had scrambled eggs. 😐
Oh and Brighton looks so nice. I want! :(( Steinkjer is nothing like that. 😐 I WANT SUMMER!!
Why did I agree to do this play? I want to spend my weekends in Brighton instead. Weeee… the pier and the beach! 😀
It looked nice after the turning too. 😐
Everyone wants Brighton. :] You should all just move down here!!! 😀
Wheeeee much, much fun! 😀 I was on the beach on Sun too, right where you took your photos! I bet you can probably see me in them…
Point yourself out to me then!!! :]
Wow, a reeeeeeeeal entry. 😀
Mmmmm. That looked yummy. I want that too now. 😀 Cool video, enjoyed that 😡
The entry below was a real entry too. 😕
Thanks Dee 😀
But not as exciting. :p
:)) ok
:)) I can’t see me, pics too small.
I have bigger versions :]
And you should be able to point out where you were, even if you can’t actually see yourself. :no
I can see exactly where we were, in that outdoors pub in that 2nd last pic.