RIP Freddie & Wolferl

Posted on December 7th, 2008 @ 13:09 in Uncategorized

[originally written Friday night] All through the end of November I kept thinking “there is some date I should be remembering around now”.
I remembered tonight – it was the anniversary of Freddie Mercury’s death. 🙁 24th November 1991. And Mozart died today, 200 years before Freddie – 5th December 1791.

I’ve been in a Queen mood tonight, and had one of these moments again – “I would not be here without this band” (I was so sure I’d written about this before but a search tells me otherwise). I was a huge Queen fan from age… 15-18? I dunno, through some of my teenage years. And I mean huge. My Queen trivia knowledge was about 100 times more extensive than my MJ knowledge. (my Queen collection is also worth loads more than my MJ collection *lol*)

Anyway. This was during my crucial teenage years where many things had to be decided. Like where to go to uni. And I wanted to go to the UK! I had scores of British penfriends – all through Queen. I loved it! I first came to the UK when I was 16 – on an organised trip with our “youth service”. I met up with a few of my Queen penfriends, went to the Queen fanclub, went to see where Brian May lived (shut it!)… it was pretty much a Queen visit. :))

And while I wouldn’t say that I studied in the UK because of Queen, they did introduce the country to me, and made me fall in love with it. Watching the Queen videos now kinda takes me back to that time, and how I felt about the UK then. Which is a really weird feeling, because now I feel part of this country, I could almost pretend I’d grown up here (but not really – which is one of my biggest regrets: their history is not mine. Ironically, this includes Queen).

Blah. Freddie was amazing, as are the rest of Queen. Mozart too. :))

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