We saw Jermaine Jackson!
And we got his autograph! And loads of pictures! And videos! And you’re all jealous, admit it! Now updated with Youtube vids! Also check out the slore’s account for even more of this!
Yeah so as announced previously we went to Burgess Hill today to an anti-bullying event organised by Matt Fiddes and attended by Jermaine Jackson of Celebrity Big Brother and “OMG it’s Michael Jackson’s brother!” fame. I actually considered not going about 1hr before we were meant to leave, cuz I was suddenly sure he wasn’t gonna be there. But the slore convinced me. And I’m glad she did. 😀
Travelling was kind of a nightmare cuz there were no trains so we had to get a “replacement bus service” – ugh. It was full and smelly and horrible. And then we had to get a cab to the venue cuz it was very far. But from then on things went uphill. 🙂 We were one of the very last people to get wristbands to get in – woo! There were quite a lot of people there – all newly CBB-converted Jermaine fans. Not old time fans like me! :wh *lmao*
Jermaine was late of course, as befits a true Jackson celebrity. They were also meant to be in Barnstaple tonight but there was no way they were gonna make that so according to the guys we spoke to (very nice people btw) that’s gonna be rescheduled. HA-HA @ all the fans that went there for the meet & greet and then it didn’t happen! :)) I’m evil I know.
So he arrived, we took pics.. then we all went into a big gym hall, there was a lot of commotion when he came in. He stood there for ages waiting for some TV guy to get his cam ready, then he gave an interview, then moved to the other side of the big gym hall and gave another interview, then they did the whole speech thing about respect and stuff (first Matt then him you see), and then it was autograph time. Then he left.
As for us… we took loads of pics & videos, screamed a few random “I love yous!”, took loads more pics, then sat down amidst the kids for the speech part and hoped not to be spotted (we were the only adults at first, but soon enough more came to join us). Filmed some more, hollered some more…. then got our autographs and took yet more pics. :)) That was pretty much it.
Okay, now I give you pictures and videos…

The Arrival….
Arriving in the big gym – lots of screaming, and I Want You Back playing

Jermaine and a wall.

Waiting for the Sky cam to be set up…

… still waiting…

His wife on the right apparently?

Look, it’s his shoes!

Finally being interviewed.
Being interviewed – you can’t hear a word he’s saying tho

Him & Matt Fiddes doing the speech thing.
The big speech about his upbringing and respect and stuff. fucking annoying kids being noisy throughout. 😐

Signing autographs (I had mine by then lol)

Off he goes! Byeee!

Myyyy autograph! *muahaha*
Ok and for the die hard Jermaine fans among you, here’s a zip with more pics, and also in a higher resolution (1200×900). So the videos are on Youtube, but here are downloadable versions as well (all wmv):
- Arriving in the big gym (26secs, 1.92MB)
- Being interviewed (13secs, 1.8MB)
- The big speech (4:29, 10MB)
😀 sweet jermaine and his lovely shoes (lmao)
That’s cool, thank you a lot for putting the ish up. LOL
I wonder if you & L.J. will be in any of the press pics! 😀
muahaha look out for the red hair :]
Mel, freaky, you can foretell what the next blog entry is!
Yeah! Truly divine powers! ^:)^