Luxembourgers in the US

Posted on February 3rd, 2007 @ 15:08 in Uncategorized

Let me give you a li’l bit o’ history. Picture this sentence in a deeeep Southern accent. Not because it’s historically relevant, cuz it isn’t, but because I’ve just finished watching the American Idol auditions from Birmingham, Alabama, so I kinda have that accent stuck in my head now.

What I am going to tell you about is more about the Midwest, for that is where most Luxembourgers settled. Y’all may find that boring, but I’m on a roll! And this is my blog. MIIIINE!!!

There are three places called “Luxemburg” in the US – in Minnesota, in Wisconsin, and in Iowa. Not in Illinois, surprisingly. A large contingent of Luxembourgers settled in the greater Chicago area – as did my ancestors. (you see, my great-grandmother was born in the US, but then some of them came back, which is how… I came about) I now have relatives in Chicago, somewhere in Connecticut, and in NYC (I know I know, I should suck up to her. She was actually super-nice to me after 9/11, she did all the message-relaying from Air France and stuff. But I’ve not spoken to her since). Probably some other places too.

Right. Now I’m bored of the subject again so if you’re not I’ll refer you to this resource. 😀 I have to go back to mindless TV-watching. LMAO my entries these days are so informative…


BML said on Feb 3, 2007 at 7:14 pm

*lol* Is that it? That there are other places called Luxemburg too? 😕

stagiaire said on Feb 3, 2007 at 7:40 pm

Aye, I like that layout better, probably I like the color better, and nice to see you recycled my present. 😀

Clarissa said on Feb 3, 2007 at 8:54 pm

Indeed. 😀 You are gonna get a mention in my next entry about the new colours / pics… if I ever write it. :wh

Fuckface, originally I was gonna write more about Lux emigration to the US but then I got bored. So yes. Pretty much. No one fucking cares anyway.


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