I’z been to a weddings

Posted on July 13th, 2008 @ 23:14 in Uncategorized

This was actually my first church wedding. Well, the first one where I’d been to the church bit. Not that I’ve been to that many weddings in total. Anyway.

So Kate and Derek. That’s whose wedding it was you know. They’ve been together a while. They’re cute together, and they’re really good together. And the wedding was lovely and I have to admit I cried a little. πŸ˜› Despite all my cynicism and abhorrence of marriage and stuff. Kate was so so beautiful, and it was all so amazingly lovely and there were alll these people there who’d only come for the two of them, and were all happy for them, and were all having a good time. It was really moving.

We got to stay at The House along with Derek’s kiwi family (who were all really cute too and very welcoming, if funny-speaking) and OMG the house was amazing! Have a look at the link, I took loads of pics too, it was this massive 8-bedroom Victorian mansion and ooooh!!!! *swoon* I wish I could’ve stayed there longer, we were all fantasizing about renting it as a group and starting a commune :)) but seriously it was breathtaking. The girls and I had one of the servants’ quarters rooms on the top floor and there were servants’ bells and stuff. And ooh there were books all over the place too! There was this chest on our floor and I had to have a look of course, expecting linen or something… and it was stock full of books!!!!

I do have some pics of the whole thing which I will put up in due time, but not tonight. Aspa, Elena and I were colour-coordinated (this was not planned), me yellow, Elena bright green, and Aspa blue. We looked fab! πŸ˜› Seeing them two again was great too, they arrived in Brighton late Friday night (2.30am! luckily I’d had some sleep beforehand) and we travelled to Weymouth together.

I was also reminded during this trip how beautiful Portland is so I’ve decided I really need to take Kate’s mum up on her offer for me to visit her. πŸ˜€ (this was made ages ago originally but apparently still stands. Kate’s mum is lovely) Even Kate’s dad remembered me (I’ve only met him once, while staying on Portland) and I got a mention in his speech. πŸ˜›

If I do go to visit tho I need to make sure to take Monday off so I don’t have to travel back on a Sunday. It was a nightmare yet again, as it so often is between Southampton and Brighton, I had to change 3 times in total (on “normal” days you just change at Southampton) and it took well over 4hrs. But oh well it was worth it. πŸ˜€

Such was my weekend. I should sleep now, I have to get up and write my appraisal tomorrow. I am planning to write it from home, so not going to work in the morning, which should be, er, interesting since it means I will have little motivation to get up at a set time. “Just a little longer, I can write faster…” *lol* Will be a nice respite from the hellhole tho, I am still hate-hate-hating it – oh but I shall not dwell on it. Just five more days and then I am bloody well off to Norway!!!!!!! πŸ˜€ 😑 πŸ˜€ 😑 πŸ˜€


Mon said on Jul 14, 2008 at 10:35 am

Wow @ house, that looks like… something you see on TV! lol

You’re writing appraisal again??

πŸ˜€ @ Norway soon! We have car now so can plan!

Clarissa said on Jul 14, 2008 at 11:06 am

Appraisal every half year 😐

Woooo @ car πŸ˜€

stagiaire said on Jul 14, 2008 at 12:45 pm

β€œJust a little longer, I can write faster…”

LMFAO, sounds like me.

BTW new Pink songs leaked, “Can’t Help It” sounds awesome.

Clarissa said on Jul 14, 2008 at 4:26 pm

Oooh must try and find =P~

stagiaire said on Jul 14, 2008 at 7:12 pm

You found them two songs?

Clarissa said on Jul 14, 2008 at 7:21 pm

Ja did – well very short extracts – is there more?

stagiaire said on Jul 14, 2008 at 7:48 pm

I have the full versions. Will just send over.

Clarissa said on Jul 14, 2008 at 8:12 pm

Thank you πŸ˜€ (listening now :] )


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