Flatwarming Party
Posted on June 22nd, 2008 @ 23:37 in Uncategorized
I was gonna do an entry but then got distracted by Doctor Who so you’ll have to make do with the Flickr set innit. Kthxbai. xx
*tap tap* Is this thing on?
I was gonna do an entry but then got distracted by Doctor Who so you’ll have to make do with the Flickr set innit. Kthxbai. xx
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Wah! Looks like you had a fun and colourful party! Everyone looks gorgeous. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it, I know I’m such a shit. Meh. Jello shots =P~ =P~ =P~
Your flat looks amazing! Very you. You did a fantastic job, btw.
I love your hair, btw. It’s SO cool! =P~ Can I just say you’re looking mighty fine. 😉
OK have lots of hair comments…
1. Wow, your hair really IS grin. I saw it on your flickr profile pic the other day but thought was photoshopped or sth – when did you do that? I LOVE! Much prefer to red, looks amazing! Purple next!!! 😀
2. squi MUCH suits longer hair better.
3. Mel’s hair is bloody long! Hadn’t realised. Jealous.
4. Who is blonde girl in white t shirt? Like her hair.
Right, hair comments done.Party looks v fun… what was that written on the shower wall in shaving foam or toothpaste or whatever?
Mmmm vodka shots. WANT.
PS. Cute, you have little balcony thing! Can’t wait til am back in Bton. Sigh.
Yep you missed out J 😛
Slore you do realize the pics come with descriptions ja? These would have told you that blonde girl is Antje and that we have no idea what’s written on the wall (well it’s 3865 but God knows what it means)
Shame! First thing I did this morning was log on here to see if you’d written an entry! 😛
Lazy innit!!! 😀
I’m so sexy!
They do?? Oh ffs… *waddles back*
Ahhh I see. I’d been viewing it in Slideshow, no descriptions there.
Ah yes, that’s a bit useless innit.
Much like yourself :*