New York is MINE!!! *muahaha*
Posted on January 26th, 2007 @ 13:54 in Uncategorized
So I’ve finally completed a sewing project again.. and made myself a cuddly Manhattan. 😀 And here it is! (click for bigger on pics)

Bird’s Eye view

View of the financial district – can you see Ground Zero?

Close up so you can marvel at the detail. MSG on the far right!

The back is made of fleece for extra cuddliness.

And here it is where it belongs – in my arms! :))
Awwww, cuuuuuuuuute!!! 😀 😀 😀 Can you do Neverland for me? 😀
No. 😐 Never touching a needle again. :))
Weeeeeeeeee… it looks great!! Can you do a Brazil one for me?
Mwahaha, I love the idea. You’re a genius.
😀 I like being called a genius.
PS Mel – no.
LMFAO! That’s the cutiest thing ever !
:)) how crazy
Love it!
Can you do an Axl Rose for me…?
Er…. no?