Sun is all I need

Posted on February 5th, 2019 @ 18:58 in Uncategorized

All I need is sun, tatadadada…

Today the sun shone and my spirit smiled. Seriously, the difference it makes is ridiculous. Of course, my various other headfixing strategies may also have contributed to my improved state of mind. I’ve started taking 5-HTP again. And meditating. I recommend this talk by Haemin Sumin, a Korean Buddhist monk, on Tara Brach’s podcast. It was pretty much exactly what I needed to hear at the moment.

It is okay to be angry at all the unfair shit in the world. But if we want to contribute to making it a better place, we must go beyond that anger. We cannot work with others (and work with others we must) if we are continually full of anger and scorn for our fellow humans.

And, something that also really struck me: we are angry because we care. It was important for me to see that. I am not hateful, inward-turning, self-obsessed, or I would not give a fuck. Climate change will affect the vast majority of humans and other beings way, way more than it will me. But this is not what I want my legacy to be. God. Each one of us is so tiny, so insignificant. And yet it is such an unbelievable opportunity to be alive. The Power of Now, people. We were not alive 200 years ago. WE ARE HERE NOW. We’ll be gone soon enough.

Anyway, I will write more about that some other day. I’ll leave you with the fantastic BeyoncĂ© – I Was Here at the United Nations, which I go back to again and again because exactly that!

Exactly that.

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