Back from London

Posted on May 12th, 2008 @ 22:09 in Uncategorized

For pics see Flickr feed!! –>

I’m being forced to update. So I went to see Mel this past weekend, Ellie was there too, and I went to see the China Design Now exhibition, and enjoy the sun, and buy lots of stuff. It was very pleasant.

Arrived in London 1.15pm on Saturday, went to St James’ Park and lazed about in the sun until I was met by a Mel. We wandered around, got food, ate, were joined by an Ellie. We wandered around some more and bought stuff, mostly at this cool make up store B which is short for “B never too busy to be beautiful” (no really!). All their products start with the letter B too. I bought very cool eyeshadow and body tint up (not self-tanner, just some kinda foundation. is fun!). Ellie bought loooads of little eyeshadow/lip gloss things in cute little boxes and Mel complained about having no job, hence no money.

Can’t remember what else we did. Oh yeah went to the Apple store and I bought expensive earphones and expensive adapter for iPhone. And Mel went online cuz her PC at home is broken. And eventually we went back to Mel’s and watched TV and stuff. Oh aye and we had pizza and they had the wrong number so it never arrived so Mel called up and in the end we got it for free. Yay!

Sunday we went back into town, I went to the V&A and Ellie and Mel went God knows where. When I was done (it was very interesting) I walked across Hyde Park and along Oxford Street and bought some clothes… well really just one pair of trousers. And met Mellie again and we had a late lunch. And then Ellie left us and we went to Greenwich, where I had never been before, and which was very cute. I will show you some pics (I had forgotten to put my memory card in the camera again for a change so only had iPhone).

Hm actually I won’t cuz Flickr is being an arse. *grrr* And I need to go to bed soon. Yeah anyway after that we went home and watched Legally Blonde and slept and this morning Mel got up very early and me a little later, and then I came home.

Today I went into Brighton and bought loads more stuff, well one more pair of trousers – very nice and green!!! 😀 And flip flops exactly like the ones I got last year and liked a lot. And I finally braved the crowds in Primark again and got lots of ridiculously cheap tops, and a cool sunglasses “sleeve” I can use with my iPhone, and a hand towel which I will use as a bathroom mat.

The End. Oh and I’ve decided to try and be healthy again. 5 a day and all that. We’ll see how long it lasts…


Caspar said on May 12, 2008 at 11:09 pm

Alisquizzle, Tom and I were in Hyde Park all of Sunday afternoon, you could have walked right past us and we’d never have known!!

Clarissa said on May 13, 2008 at 12:21 pm

Ooooh. Oh well. 😛

Vega said on May 13, 2008 at 12:50 pm

I just wanna say how huch I love that youre updating your photos on flickr 😀 (I keep nagging cause I want you to keep doing that, hahah)

Clarissa said on May 13, 2008 at 5:38 pm

:)) Well if it acts up again I might change my mind. 😐

Lo said on May 17, 2008 at 6:45 am

Yes, flickr photos are fun 😀
I miss London.

Clarissa said on May 17, 2008 at 10:58 am

London sucks. NYC is so much better.


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