Pancake-making video!!!
Posted on May 3rd, 2008 @ 23:57 in Uncategorized
That is, the video didn’t make pancakes, I did, and I made a video of it. In fact there are two cuz the full thing is long and boring. So I made a contracted version. It conveys the basic idea. *lol*
Youtube rejected my full version as being too long (I thought with a director account you could get around the 10min limit!? apparently no longer. bastards!) so should you be very bored and wish to see it you can download it here (wmv, 13:32mins, 23.7MB).
We’ve had pancakes too, two days in a row!
Good that we have you to show us how they were made, cause here they just wait at the table when we wake up :p
What a luxury life…
What the freakin’ frack have you done to your site!?!? 😮 Loving the green!
(thank god for auto-text that’s all I’m saying ;))
LOL I love your laugh btw. Cute 😡