I have moved in!
And of course there has to be a video entry. It’s quick’n’dirty cuz I need to be off to bed soon. Now while Windows Movie Maker saves (and then while Youtube uploads) I can jabber on for a bit. Not really updated about the weekend yet etc.
On Saturday I had half the BTA team helping with furniture. 😀 Jana, Mandy and her bf Ronald to be precise. He was very useful cuz he had a power drill, and lots of “I’m a man I know DIY” experience. We put together Ikea furniture, put up various things that needed drilling, and he fixed my power socket. Woo!

Mandy on my exec chair, Jana on a dining chair. The lei on the left was Mandy’s flatwarming present to me. :)) Rainbow. =P~ (Mandy 😡 )

Ronald is da man! He has tools yo! He was very cute and helpful! 😀
Sunday Kate was supposed to come and help me but she, um, couldn’t make it. So I had to move all the stuff on my own which was, well, exhausting. I worked for about 10hrs straight and must have done the trip around a dozen times. I’d like to tell myself I lost some weight at least but I don’t notice a difference. I did probably move more than I had to but with 1. limited storage devices (boxes, suitcases etc), and 2. the old flat just being so tiny, it was kinda inevitable.
By the end of the day I was absolutely knackered (my legs started hurting pretty bad at around 7pm) so I treated myself to my first bubble bath…. hmmmmmm!!!!! =P~ I’ve seriously never enjoyed a bath as much as this one.

It was heavenly!! 😡 😡 😡 (I know, this looks pretty unexciting *lol*)
Monday night I did the rest of the packing in the old flat – kitchen stuff, computer stuff etc – and sawed/hacked my bed to pieces at 10pm. :)) I bet downstairs neighbours loved me. *lol* And then I slept in the old flat one last time… on the floor, by candlelight… ok not by candlelight, but still on the floor. Was kinda sad. I’ll miss that place. 🙁

Bye Darryl! (end of an era, as squi said)
The move today went really smoothly, guys turned up around 1pm, took them around two hours to move everything, then just as they were done the locksmith arrived (had arranged that yesterday – you never know who still has keys to the flat) so now I’m all moved in and safe! :] Unpacking the rest of my stuff also didn’t take me that long, and phoneline started working around that time too (they send you a text to let you know it’s activated – how cute! Ah, modern technology…). What more could a gal want?!??! 😀
Ok I’ll tell you what I want (what I really really want). A new bed! This one just won’t do, I need room underneath to store stuff!!! As it is I don’t have anywhere for my shoes and my suitcases. This must be remedied (tho I admit I have way too many shoes to start with). Plus the bed creaks so is annoying, hence will/must be replaced soon.
I’ve also noticed lots of other small things I need to get fairly soon, like more shelves for Billy, some storage thing for inside the hall cupboard, bedsheets for the bigger bed, another extension for the bedroom, oh and curtains! A proper sofa obviously, a better floorlamp, um and there were countless other things. I was gonna make a list but thought “nah, no need, it’s such obvious stuff” – but it appears there was a need! Ah well, it’ll come to me again when I next notice I miss it.
Ok and now it’s really time for bed. Youtube is being an arse again so I ended up uploading the video to my own server – ‘ere ya go! (wmv, 9.56MB, 3:57mins). Audio’s a bit shit at the start cuz big room / echo and cam far away… but I don’t say anything interesting anyway.
funfun! congrats on moving 😀
Thank you! 😀
LMFAO @ “(I know, this looks pretty unexciting *lol*)”
Congrats on moving in! I know it’s exciting. =D
Thanks! 😀 and yes, it is 😀
ooh 😀