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Posted on November 4th, 2012 @ 20:42 in Uncategorized

O hai! Good evening. I have yet again found my way to this blog of mine, to jot down a few thoughts and updates.

Thoughts I have few, so let me do a quick list of news:

  • Electrician coming on Tuesday to install shower (as well as a 10mm cable so I can have 10.5kW shower). Yay!
  • Have to work tomorrow – eek! My first proper day was last week, but both guys I was supposed to speak to said “no way do I have half an hour for you”, so we had to reschedule them both, which means I have to do four tomorrow and will be there pretty much all day. Stress stress, panic panic.
  • So far I’m finding my two months off rather full – work, volunteering, then Norway, then work again at some point no doubt, then Ange, then Alisdair, then Cindy… I never seem to have a full week of NOTHING AT ALL EVER. 🙁
  • Actually I will between Cindy and Paris, and then between Paris and New Year, provided I don’t let anyone talk me into spending Christmas with them.
  • I’ve been obsessing over NYC again, what with all that Sandy-coverage. My poor, poor New Yorkers! =(( I’ve also bugged Alisdair about Israel, which he suggested doing in autumn, so I could do NYC in May or June. Which means I should book soon. New York. 😡 😀
  • I have decided to finally buy an iPad, but my mentor Tobias says I should go for a 3G so I have to wait until the end of the month. Patience is not my forte. 😐
  • I decided against NaNoWriMo in the end. Haven’t started on the Sketchbook yet either, but I have a concept! It’s a start! And I still have two and a half months, so I’m fiiiine!
  • Other stuff I’ve made:
    1. iPhone pouch with friendly monster
    2. Bobbin earrings
    3. Brazil pouch
    4. Small and crappy creature painting.

Okay, nested lists look crappy with this layout, but whatever (ok, have now changed it a bit). I still have a long list of other things to do or make. Not today tho! Today I will email Mandy, eat a sandwich or something cuz I’ve not really had dinner yet, and then go to bed in preparation for 7am awakening tomorrow. :((

Hm, I’d rather not end on that sad smiley. Norway on Wednesday! 😀

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