You are, my love, the astronaut

Posted on October 24th, 2012 @ 22:13 in Uncategorized

Yes, I am in love with Amanda Palmer! So it is a good thing I am going to see her again in March! Especially cuz I had to cut last night’s gig short to catch my train. 🙁 But she is very cute and wonderful and I want one. 😡 Unfortunately she is Neil Gaiman’s (because otherwise she would of course totally agree to be mine *lol*). Oh yeah, I have crowdsurfing pics: one, two. The gig was seriously truly cool, very crazy and emotional-rollercoasty and entertaining and spontaneous and fucking awesome!!

That was last night in London. I also went to London on Sunday cuz somehow Mr squiZZle convinced me to go see that Immortal show with him (MJ Cirque du Soleil for non-MJ-fan readers of this blog, which is probably, like, two people *lol*). Unfortunately I did not like it at alllll, unlike pretty much everyone else except Cat who was on the fence. It was like a mediocre, chaotic musical with no live singing and no plot. There was way too little actual acrobatics, and what there was was pretty tame (we used to watch Cirque du Soleil on TV when I was a kid, and that stuff was impressive). A lot of the video montages were just so… breathless and loud! The dancing was average at best, and all the special effects were mostly just distracting (tho that wasn’t such a big deal because the dancing/acrobatics they were distracting from really weren’t that good. But still irritating).
Do I have something positive to say about it? Well, I thought the choice of songs was interesting, with some more obscure stuff like Speechless and Heartbreak Hotel. And there was a focus on “getting MJ’s true message out”, which I will assume was done honestly. All the same I couldn’t help thinking “at the end of the day this is just a way to make money out of the guy”. I know this stuff is inevitable, but tbh I want nothing to do with it (one of the reasons I didn’t wanna go originally. The other being that I suspected I’d find it lame. Hey! I was right! *lol*).

In other news:
¤ My shower’s broken. I went to Homebase today to look at replacements and it is sooo confusing (and also laborious and expensive). Do I want a 9.5kw one for increased water flow? Then I’ll need to replace the cable. I can also replace the water pipe/valve to increase flow if I remember correctly. This will involve getting an electrician and/or a plumber in before I even buy it to make sure these things are possible.
¤ Sussex is on alert for ice and snow this weekend. I’ll bet you anything there won’t be any snow tho, that would be far too much fun!
¤ I went to the Brighton Zombie walk and took some photos which are here. I didn’t dress up cuz no one wanted to come with me. It was fun to be “attacked” as well tho! 😀
¤ I made another pea pod for a friend who wanted one too. I timed myself and it took me 160mins. At minimum wage (£6.19) and covering the cost of the materials, I’d have to charge £22 to make it worth it. However I’m not charging him, because he will paint me something instead, cuz he’s great and I need more stuff for my walls. =P~
¤ I really really need to start working on my next Sketchbook! I’ve also toyed with the idea of trying NaNoWriMo again, but tbh there is no chance I’d even halfway finish cuz I have stuff (and Sketchbook!).
¤ Oh yeah, stuff – I am going to Norway again!!! 😀 😡 7-14 November. Cuz last time was stressful and full of party preparations. This time will be relaxed and lazy. Except we’re going to Astrup Fearnley with Tris. 😀
¤ I’m also going to Paris again, 18-20 December, to see my beloved Soutine 😡 and Collection Michael Werner and maybe Van Gogh.
¤ My last official day at work (old job) is tomorrow, but I will probably have to do a few more hours here and there to wrap things up. I’m also going to new job tomorrow for a few hours. It is far to ride to Sussex Uni! I may have to buy a bigger bike to make it more fun. :] Tho I’d miss my Spike terribly. :((
¤ The End. Amanda Palmer. 😡

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