Wheee another questionnaire!!!!

Posted on February 9th, 2008 @ 20:04 in Uncategorized

Stolen from Michelle this time. Some duplicate questions with the one below. 😛

1. Would you bang your neighbour?
Not the one from the new flat!!! She came upstairs to say hi yesterday and she seems the nosy type. She’s also 52.
Oh yeah and then there’s the issue that I don’t do sex… lol.

2. Whats 1 word that describes your last relationship?

4. What’s the last movie you saw?
See previous questionnaire.

5. I’ve come to realize that the last person who held my hand…
I’ve not come to realize anything about him. Just that I still miss him. *sigh*

6. Whats your middle name?
Don’t have one.

7. Who have you talked to most today?
squiZZ, inevitably. 😛 In fact I have only talked to him today. Well and online to my MAP.

8. Do you carve pumpkins every year?

9. Colour of your boxers/panties?
White. Says “Friday girl” on them altho it’s Saturday.

10. Colour of your shirt?
Green! 😀

11. I’m always …
female! 😀 Online. Weird. Lalala. Crazy.

12. Who’s on speed dial 2?
Don’t use speed dial.

13. Honestly, how many boys/girls have u been in love with?
Probably 2. 😕 And one of them’s here with me. 😀

14. Whats your favourite season?

15. How do you feel right now?
Difficult to say. A mixture of happiness cuz squiZZ is with me, and apprehension cuz life in general can kinda suck.

19. Would you do anything for someone else?
Dunno, how far does “anything” go? I would do a lot of things for a small bunch of people. Not cut off my arm tho or sth. Well, maybe if they DIED unless I cut off my arm I would. Only with anaesthetic tho.

20. Have you ever been called a sexy bastard?

22. What is your ring tone?
iPhone doesn’t allow for customized ringtones so I just have one of theirs. And on the other phone I have… dunno, one of the defauilt ones too.

24. Are your grades good?
I think I’ll get a 2 on my appraisal, that’s pretty good. 😛

25. Do you hate anyone/anything?
My father.

26. Does your best friend have a myspace?
Yeah but she never actually did anything with it.

28. Last time you went out to lunch?
Probably with Jana.. ah no we went to Burger King yesterday.

33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears CDs?
No, I have lots of illegally downloaded mp3s tho. :wh

34. What did you do last night?
We got very very very drunk.

35. Are you a Lost fanatic?
No. 😀

36. Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass or fail?

37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?

42. What’s the last thing you bought?
See previous questionnaire. (or, to be more precise: last place we went to was Tesco so lots of heavy stuff like Coke and washing powder etc.)

43. What’s the last thing someone bought you?
Jana and Antje bought me a bucket. 😀

44. Do you ever sing in the shower?

45. Whats your favorite movie?

48. Do you believe everyone has a soul mate?

49. Can you sing?

53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?
No, I’m very messy and disorganized.

54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa?
Been to Tunisia.

55. Do you know how to knit?

56. Do you have a job?

58. What are you doing right now besides this survey?
Listening to Leona singing I Will Always Love You, eating pizza, drinking, and talking to squi.

60. Baskin Robbins or Coldstone?

61. Physics or chemistry?

62. Facebook or Myspace?

63. Do you wear any jewelry?
3 snake rings and a pentagram necklace.

65. G’s or R’s?
Eh!? Like movie ratings? I feel pretty indifferent about them – the quality of a film is kinda unrelated to its rating. Innit.

66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars?
Harry Potter.

67. Fly or road trip?
Fly. I get road rage. :))

68. Batman, Spiderman, Superman…
Um……… Batman.

69. What’s your favorite Disney movie?

70. What are your plans for tonight?
No plans. Apparently we’re gonna do a video.


Michelle said on Feb 9, 2008 at 10:03 pm

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa, wanna watch that video you’re doing.

Clarissa said on Feb 9, 2008 at 10:11 pm

I’ll upload the video of squi getting excited over facebook horseracing later. :)) 😀


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