Posted on January 18th, 2008 @ 22:49 in Uncategorized
Ok so here are some pics of me and iGor the iPhone…

My eyes look freaky on the last one uh? 😐 I have a seriously bad toothache that’s getting worse by the minute even tho I’ve already taken various painkillers and anti-inflammatories. Of course this had to start on a Friday night with the whole fucking week-end ahead of me. UGH!
Er yeah, negativity aside, marvel at iGor the iPhone.
Maybe one day you’ll get a video too.
LOL! Cute entry!
more! more! more!
I want a video. AT LEAST.
:)) We’ll see.
Aaaaah, cool! I envy you! :no
Though, ah well, keep on telling myself, I wouldn’t use it a lot anyway. Pffffff…
:)) Of course. I probably won’t either, except when I’m travelling.
But it’s a nice and shiny toy. 😀
yeah that’s sexy, sexy, sexy!
Hot iPhone too! 😀 I knew you were going to take a pic with your site on the screen! it would have been wrong not to. 😉
Love it. x
Yeah cuz it’s soooo pretty and colourful!!!! So far I’ve not found another site that looks as hot (on the iPhone or otherwise 😛 )
Well… it might not be colourful but newly revamped page is looking pretty sexy these day 😉 :wh
Wow, the main page layout is indeed pretty damn cool!
Nice… lol @ Bill in the background 🙂