Loud, louder, ARE YOU NUTS!?
Aah, it has been a while! It’s cuz I’m so busy having funnn!!! *lol* No, I really am tho. Today I got my first sunburn of the year – only a very light one, since I am being reasonable (I know I know, truly reasonable would be no sunburn at all, but where’s the fun in that!?). Yesterday I read two Sookie Stackhouse books in a day (and did little else), and now I have read them all except the short stories, and they’re on their way to me, hehe. And the next one in the series, which is released on May 3rd, has been preordered. I considered first class delivery, but then decided (again!) to be reasonable and went with free super saver. I can wait an extra few days I’m sure.
I really don’t have much to say at all, except life is good, still. Which is slightly baffling at times, but it would be stupid to complain. :yay
I was so happy and positive all through this until the evil Yahoo! monstrosity at the end!! why?!?!?!!?!!!?!
:)) I thought of you when I put it there (but I had to anyway). :*
That one is my fave Yahoo smiley!! 😮
It’s amazing, right? Alisdair’s just… a bit weird.
Yay the dancy blinker!
And yay for being happy too 🙂