I love eBay! And my archives

Posted on October 14th, 2010 @ 21:34 in Uncategorized

I was reading through my eBay feedback history the other day and it made me a bit sad that links/descriptions to purchases get deleted after a while cuz I would love to check what I spent my money on five or ten years ago. Then I remembered my trusty email archives and got lucky – a search for “eBay” revealed quite a few emails! Only for items where I communicated with the seller, but still brought back some memories…

My very first purchase apparently was a Mozart LAKS watch . Can’t seem to find a picture of it online, and I never actually did anything with it as far as I remember. Funnily enough tough, the seller was a Luxembourger (I was living in the UK at the time) and I even knew him – I’d worked with him when I did an internship at one of the Luxembourg newspapers.

Another random purchase… a Cuban note featuring Che Guevara. It must have been this one but I don’t remember it looking like that. I also have no idea where the thing is now. *lmao*

Some MJ items throughout the years… not that many, mind you. 7″ Cry single, “that” TV Guide, US edition of Dancing The Dream.. that seems to be it. Oh, and a flag of that cute “looking up and smiling” photo which I can’t be bothered to look up now. I actually know where that is, folded up in a cardboard drawer in my bedroom.

Lots of toys and gadgets. Jeez, one of those crappy 256MB stick mp3 players. 256MB!! *lmao* And that thing was 68 Euro back then!! Insane. Haha, and six months later I bought a 512MB one for £29.99!

I loved my Psion Revo – that was my first “on the go” online toy. I’d use my mobile and I/R (infrared!) as a modem. Crazy stuff. It was a pretty cool toy tho and the keyboard very pleasant to use. I remember reading Douglas Adams’ suggestion to type with your thumbs. Worked remarkably well. Can’t wait for bluetooth keyboard for the iPhone!

Wow, I even bought a Placebo concert ticket on eBay once, can’t even remember what for. 2004 at any rate. And P!nk at 9:30 Club in D.C. in 2006. That crazy summer…

I don’t know why the hell I would’ve bought a Nokia battery.. ooh actually I suspect it may have been for Thomas. It cost a penny. =)) £4.99 for p&p of course.

Classic Game Boy games… a poster of Brian & Stefan snogging… RAM for my Vaio and for my desktop… a Casio Exilim camera from Hong Kong… a hard drive… um yeah I think I’m done with this now. The earliest stuff was the best cuz I couldn’t remember most of it, and cuz it was so… random. And outdated by now, heehee.

Time for bed, thanks for reading!

1 Comment

L.J. said on Oct 14, 2010 at 10:16 pm

Awww @ thanks for reading. And I love looking through old stuff like that too. Remember that flag all too well.

Oh, the nostalgia.


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