Avast, me ‘earties!

Posted on August 26th, 2010 @ 23:59 in Uncategorized

You must forgive me, I’ve just set Facebook to Piratespeak again and it’s quite catching.

I had the idea to do a video entry today. I asked Alisdair for suggestions, he said tuna fish, I said that would be a bit boring unless I could film his kitty, he said why don’t you come and do that, I said it’s kinda late but I can come tomorrow, and he said ok. 😀 So I am going to London tomorrow to see his new flat. And his not so new kitty. And then I can also spend MJ’s birthday with a fan and reminisce and have a crying fit. Or ignore it completely and do other stuff. We shall see I guess.

Janet is great (and still alive. ahem). So are a lot of other artists of course but I shall not talk about music again. Tho music is amazing, or amAzing, as Alisdair would say, with the capital A pronounced as in avAst. *hehe* Hey, I just realised the antivirus program is named after that pirate exclamation! *lol* Never noticed that before. D’uh.

Sinead noticed a creepy eye on this photo of me from Cornwall. (see note for location of eye) Well, she didn’t say it was creepy, but it kinda is. The flowers are watching you! That photo of me has got 30 views in a day. The one of my mum got 33 tho. I tell myself it’s because I took a better photo, not because she’s prettier than me. *lol* I do look pretty horrible in that pic tho.

I am very tired all of a sudden. Which is good cuz I need to go to bed soon cuz I have to pop into work tomorrow for some prep stuff, and can’t leave too late for London or I’ll miss the exciting Ikea trip! Must wrap up this entry now anyway if I wanna post it before midnight.

Oh, must remember to take my key for the Boris bikes. Oh hey it’s meant to be sunny on Saturday! Oh, and it’s Notting Hill Carnival this weekend too. London is such a hub of buzzing activity. *lol* squi said he’s not going tho so that’s good. It’s a bit scary due to some… ambiguous, potentially triggering memories.

Right, bedtime, am already too late for timely entry posting. Dancing in moonlight, I know you are free, cuz I see your star shining down on me… :yay 😡 🙁 (and now I’m listening to Beyoncé’s Halo which is probably a bad idea)

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