Scotland picspam!!!
Posted on August 21st, 2007 @ 21:20 in Uncategorized
Right, I won’t write a long report. If you want to read about what we got up to you can read my slore’s diary. I do however have shedloads of pics, so I’ll share some of those. 🙂

This is my cat Suki. She’s cute yes? 😡

So on Saturday we went to Stirling to see the – very cool – castle. It rained. All day.

Allow me to borrow one of the slore’s pics to introduce you to the Umbrella of Death, so christened because… I’m a bit weird. I bought it for £1 and it served me well. Unfortunately I had to leave it behind as it was too big to be allowed on the plane. :((
It will forever remain in my heart. =((

Miserable weather, but I am safe under the Umbrella of Death.

My slore too had an umbrella, but it wasn’t special like mine. (it rained)

There was a cemetery at the bottom of the castle. It looked nice from high above.

Castle looking very impressive on a big… rock. *lol*

Cannons and a slore.

We are royalty! “Everyone” had their pic taken on those chairs apparently so the slore decided we had to as well.

Cute slore being all excited climbing through and over castle remains.

Oh look! Another cemetery! Or maybe it was a different part of the earlier one.

Pretty flowers… in the rain. 😛
[/end castle visit]

The Thistles shopping centre has cute thistle mascots that look a bit like Jack Skellington.
I sent a pic of one to squiZZ but he didn’t reply for he’s a rude cunt.

This was the weirdest thing – the remains of a defense tower inside the shopping centre!
[/end Stirling visit] So the next day we went to Edinburgh to poke J’s boobies. And to see things. It didn’t rain!

Balloon Elmo! It was festival but we didn’t do anything festivaly.

There was an Andy Warhol exhibition that I would’ve liked to see but it was expensive. 🙁

So we went to Calton Hill where there was a nice view. Ja.

Princes Street with loads of people.

Useless slore being all pretty and green in front of nice view. 🙂

We got a cute couple to take pics of the both of us.

Same hill, looking in the other direction – look! We even went for a walk in the country! 😛

And would you believe it, I found another cemetery! :))

Guy painting. Behind him… building, whatever it is.

Real thistles without a face! Can you spot the bumblebee?

Another attempt at a macro shot. Here the bumble bee is easier to see. 😀

Pretty flowers outside some pub.

And finally I had a J to squish! 😡 (in her very cool flat)

And boobies to grope!!!! =P~ (pic again courtesy of the slore)
The end. If you haven’t had enough yet, more pics by the slunt can be found here.
Coooool pickshures.
Aw, it was great to see you by the away, I had lots of fun with you guys. PLEASE COME BACK!!! ;;) 😀
That cementery that you too a pic of (The Canongate Kirk Cementery) is the place where my papa used to take me to teach me how to ride my bike… To the right of that pic is where my parents live!
ALSO, one of Mary Queens of Scots Servents is buried there. True. There’s a significant story behind this… but I can’t remember it!
I love seeing pics of ‘Burgh! They make me smile, cuz I’m proud to be Bronian innit!
And MY Suki.
😀 Thanks stagiaire.
Cuuuute @ image of mini-J riding bike among graves! (I demand pics!)
And you should be proud! Edinburgh is very pretty. 🙂
My Suki.