A look at some potential flats…

Posted on August 10th, 2007 @ 16:43 in Uncategorized

So that you can help me decide… well, maybe it’s too early for that yet.
But anyway. Just for entertainment purposes then.

  1. College Place, above Co-op – I’ve come across this a few times, it’s a bit too far east for my liking but it seems a nice flat and 1st floor, which would be ideal. And hey you can’t get any closer to a convenience store! *lol*
  2. St Georges Terrace – a bit further West than the previous one. In fact on the 2nd to last pic you can see the Coop! 😛 It sounds alright and they seem to have a cat! Maybe it can go on the roof? (our cat used to do that)
  3. Ewart Street – this is quite far from the sea but reasonably close to Amex and also probably somewhat closer to the station. Kind of a quiet area tho. The flat looks very nice tho. (tho that bedroom would need repainting! eek!)
  4. Richmond Terrace – this isn’t really in the area I want at all, but it has a very posh entrance hall (which you can’t see here unfortunately – I’ve seen earlier ads).
  5. College Road – also close to the first one, so again a bit too far east for my liking but looking rather nice. Tho I wonder what that flooring in the living room is…

And that’s that. So I guess what one does next is arrange viewings uh? :-S Waaah!!! :(( *cries for Mon to come with her*

Edit Ok here’s some more…

  1. Upper Rock Gardens – I’ve had my eye on this for a while, it’s really quite fun (tho not really my style I guess. And looks a bit cramped. And is ground floor of course. But wanted to show you anyway).
  2. College Road – this looks pretty damn cool too, apparently it comes with that kitchen dresser? But no room for washing machine it seems. 🙁
  3. Canning Street – this is COOL! Look at that cute little garden and the fun kitchen! Unfortunately a bit too far from Kemp Town / the sea for my liking. 😐

Right I’ll stop adding more and more stuff now. :))


stagiaire said on Aug 10, 2007 at 6:47 pm

I’ve fallen in love with 4 and 6. 😀

Clarissa said on Aug 10, 2007 at 6:56 pm

6 is kinda fun uh? I think I may actually go see it. Tho that living room area (picture 2) looks awfully narrow. (and what do I need a dishwasher for? and that breakfast table? and the kitchen is generally so not my style)

And yeah 4 is kinda too far from the sea. 😕

stagiaire said on Aug 10, 2007 at 7:16 pm

Hmmm… well, go check then. But true about the living room area.

Clarissa said on Aug 10, 2007 at 8:02 pm

Ja I’ll try to view them all except Richmond Place and Canning Street.
In theory. :)) 😐

stagiaire said on Aug 10, 2007 at 8:28 pm

Pahhh @ Richmond!

Where’s you smilies anyway?

Clarissa said on Aug 10, 2007 at 8:32 pm

Ooooh the link. I forgot that. Sorry. Will add.

And yeah but Richmond is definitely not in an area I fancy, sorry. 🙁

Katja said on Aug 10, 2007 at 9:33 pm

I also like 4. And 3, because it’s got double-glazed windows. Which seems to be rare in the UK. And 1 seems to be alright.

stagiaire said on Aug 11, 2007 at 12:00 am

I do not like 3 and 1, because from the outside they look just ewww. What counts is the inside, but if I bought something – and I mean, it’s a load of money then – I’d want it to look great inside out.

Clarissa said on Aug 11, 2007 at 2:48 pm

Hm yeah ideally it should be pretty inside and out. But I think if I really like the inside then I won’t mind the outside being a bit meh. 😕 And I don’t actually mind Ewart Street… it’s a cute & colourful street, even if the houses look a bit cardboardy. :))

BML said on Aug 12, 2007 at 11:10 am

Well the only one you haven’t said anything bad about is the St George’s Terrace one *lol* so maybe that one? Looks quite big. And I love how in picture 4 they’ve tried desperately to get the sea in the view :))


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