I’ve just discovered that the computer that runs S.I.M.O.N. in Tomb Raider was a VAIO. =P~

And you know I went to PC World yesterday with Jeff to look at laptops and there were all these hot machines that could do loads of fancy stuff, but none (not even the compact ones) were as sexy as my Tommy. 😡 😡 😡
In related news, I have just purchased Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness (PC) from eBay for £4.85 (incl. p&p) in under 30secs. The only reason it took me that long was that Firefox didn’t have my Paypal password saved so I had to look it up and type it in. And I told it not to save it this time either. Just so I have some time to think about rash decisions in future too (which may cost more than £4.85 depending on what it is). Like… 10secs more. :wh
I have also bookmarked 2 eBay sales for 1GB SDRAM sticks, both ending tomorrow night. I will definitely buy one of them, and might get both if it is affordable/reasonable. I found out when checking yesterday before our PC World stint that I have 4 RAM slots, 3 of which are taken… 256MB, 256MB (this is what the PC came with) and 512MB (which I migrated from my previous PC). I am guessing/assuming (maybe someone would like to confirm or correct me on this) that low market PCs were/are using “leftovers” to fill their specs, so it was cheaper to use two 256MB sticks than one 512MB. So as a result I’ll have to chuck them out eventually anyway. So might as well look ahead now and end up with a potential 2.75GB RAM. 😀 =P~
Right. Enough drooling about machines and stuff. :)) I need to sleep. Soon.
Is not funny. :no
Don’t forget to find and install the patches for Angel of Darkness. The original version was very buggy.
Oh ok. Thanks for letting me know.
Iiiiiiiis funny.
Well didn’t happen anyway cuz I missed the end of last night’s auction and the other one ended at 6.30am & couldn’t be bothered 😐
I did not get a mention 🙁 We even had Dominos 🙁
Um well it was an entry about computers, not about my day.
Hence the “web & geekdom” category, not “life & me” 😐